Posted by Habrodera nilotica price check

solacepaw | Free
Palestine🇵🇸 (#447990)

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Posted on
2023-09-06 09:14:33
Hi, I bred two iridescent Habrodera nilotica and was wondering how I should price their offspring who inherited the rare color:

Also, their sibling who ended up yellow:

There aren't any of their species available for trade and this is my first time breeding beetles so I'm not sure how to price them.

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Tsaari (#37874)

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Posted on
2023-09-06 09:53:27
Hi! There are of course few things that can affect the price. However note that I'm not an expert with beetles and their pricing - I just breed some specific beetles from time to time.

- Event beetle species sells usually better than beetles you can find from the explore. Event stuff like Jellyfishes/Wasps/Moths sells for ~1GB per if they have a rare color, less with more common colors. Normal species with rare colors usually goes for ~ 200-500SB per what I've seen.

- The price goes up if the beetle's corpse can be used as an crafting material. For example your Habrodera nilotica (iridescent) would sell as a corpse for 500SB according to the branch sales, so the living beetle goes usually for more.

Tho beetles are not the most popular "side hustle" in Lioden, so the best bet would be just try a price and see if they sell and if not, lower the price.

Hopefully this helped :)

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