Posted by Hyena - Lion mutation!

Jaythek |G1 Ivory (#417791)

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Posted on
2023-09-10 18:00:36
Just like we have Leopons and Tigons, I think that it'd be fun having a mutation with hyenas too, although it's not biologically possible like the other two are. It's coming from a hyena obsessed guy so...

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-10-20 12:53:40
i looked further into the "confirmed" dog x fox hybrid and it's actually interesting. the "fox" it's apparently a hybrid with is a "false fox," so not actually a fox, and this particular genus is more closely related to dogs than vulpes, so this is not actually quite the "gotcha" people think

but absolutely. foxes and dogs are at least both canids, but different genera and highly improbable to impossible to successfully crossbreed. see the "confirmed" hybrid that isn't actually a fox. one of the known rare hybrids to cross genera, goats and sheep, at least have similar chromosome numbers, and the offspring even then barely survive even if the sperm manages to fertilize the egg. and these are fairly closely related animals in terms of recent divergence. while sheep and goats diverged 4 million years ago, hyenas and the ancestors of our modern cats diverged at least30 million years ago

tldr: Jesus, hyenas and cats cannot make babies

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Edited on 20/10/23 @ 12:54:00 by leon 🦇🩸 (#208511)

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