Posted by Two ideas related to breeding

☀ Liobrine
Worshipper (#343470)

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Posted on
2023-09-17 00:03:14
There's not much to say for the intro, but basically, the first suggestion is sort of related to breeding and the second one is related to breeding for sure.

Idea number one:
Basically, when I use a CRB, in the cave lion list thing, the icon is a regular hourglass for cool down. BUT it would be helpful if there was a mini CRB icon if a lioness is on cool down because of a CRB, or has a breeding items applied to her in general.

Idea two:
I am a clean breeder. I only keep clean lions, but I keep on accidentally breeding my lions that have my king in their gen.
So, why not add an option to turn off the area that says (breed) and (autobreed). The option would be similar to how you can choose to secure a lion or not in the area where you edit your lion's name and bio.
For when you click (breed) for the first time in a lioness's heat cycle, you get a confirmation pop-up that would ask whether you're sure that you want to breed the lioness. Including for the first time you click the breed button in a lioness's heat cycle, it could ask once per rollover.

Let me know what you think and what else I could do to improve these two suggestions!

This suggestion has 21 supports and 2 NO supports.

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papertiger (Side) (#79734)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-09-18 18:47:14
Like the idea of securing a lion from breeding, it’s less annoying than a pop up like other people have suggested

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☀ Liobrine
Worshipper (#343470)

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Posted on
2023-09-19 00:59:48
I feel like that would be a better option too!

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