Posted by Back after ??? years. Have questions

Sunberries (#188156)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-10-02 14:45:37
So yeah, it's been at least 3 years (possibly more) since I last played and I cannot remember how it works. I didn't play very much before stopping fyi so it's not like I returned to anything impressive. Would anybody mind reminding me of a few things? Specifically:

Should I bother training cubs? I vaguely remember not bothering but idk why.

I remember that food is always good to sell. The prices in the trade center have a bit of variation (usually around the 10-20SB per use) but I'd like a more informed opinion?

What do with rotting food my lions are all full?

I have more lionesses than I remember. Is this good? It probably isn't much at all to other people but it feels overwhelming to have so many.

Anything else? These were my main ones right off the bat but hey I'm clueless my dudes.

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-10-02 15:03:03
Welcome back! Hopefully you feel like sticking around for a little while :3 I'll try to address your questions as best as I can:

I wouldn't bother training cubs unless you plan to use them as an heir or hunter, as they won't get enough training % without also being trained as an adolescent.

Usually 10 SB per use or 1 GB per 100 uses is the common food price. Large carcasses, not stuff like small meat chunks!

You really don't need to feed your lions beyond getting them to less than 60% so they don't run. Less than 50% if you need to breed them. You don't need to feed cubs at all unless they're 1y 11m old and are aging up. I'm too lazy to actually set up trades for food nowadays so I just sell rotting food to the monkey business. It gives you like 3 SB per use or something for most carcasses I think?

I have like 150 lionesses on both of my accounts so your territory is kind of like a lil baby to me ^^ It's because of my own massive breeding projects, but if you just want to play casually and keep pretty ones, you can keep it small like that! I do recommend fighting other players for territory to get to the maximum (free) 40 territory, just in case! I can link a guide or two once I get back home if you'd like :D

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Az [G1 Ennedi, NRLC] (#120781)

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Posted on
2023-10-02 15:05:47
1. Stats dont really do anything, so I wouldn't bother unless you're looking to grind out high stats bc a lot of people like kings with high stats for some reason.

2. Food is commonly sold at 1gb per 100 uses, and if you value gb at say, 1000, then that's 10sb per use. But most people sell them in batches

3. You can sell rotting food at the monkey business.

4. Lion amount isn't something that's viewed as "good". You could have as many or as little as you want.

And if you have any questions there are a ton of helpful guides in the User-Created Guides section, or you can check out the Wiki. feel free to pm me as well! Welcome back :)

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-10-02 15:29:59
If you come up with any more questions, feel free to PM me! I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can ^^

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Sunberries (#188156)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-10-02 15:17:37
Thank you! You guys have been very helpful! It's been fun picking everything back up again, and hopefully I'll be able to stick around for longer this time.

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