Posted by How do I seit up an icon for myself?

Anna-IgnisDraconis (#451708)

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Posted on
2023-10-06 01:50:26
I noticed that other users icons have lioden-specific url and I was wondering where do they get these from?
Plus for some reason whenever I try to set up my icon from (deviantart-based storage) or google docs it just doesn't work.

Any help?

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⤛ Rah
[Semi-Frozen]. (#156300)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-10-06 01:57:52
You'll need a web-hosted direct link I believe, something like from imgur - when it has the i.imgur as the url base.
I don't know if it's possible to adapt the links you're using like that?

The non-Lioden icons are either created specifically for that user (art, for example) or made to suit the pfp specs.

Edit: From your Den page, near icon, there's a button that says "Premade Tags" for the ones provided by Lioden!

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Edited on 06/10/23 @ 01:58:59 by ≾ Rah [ Semi-Frozen ] (#156300)

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