Posted by Prize for Decor Idea

☕Monox🌨 (#380407)

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Posted on
2023-10-11 21:15:29

This is Charred Wood! LINK

Link To Wardrobe
Base- Bloodstone | Pose- Snarky

Shes a lion made of burnt leaves twigs and other nature like things! She also preserves the jungle and in the future will teach cubs the legends and stories of the jungle. She loves eating fish and spends most her time teaching cubs. She sees elk as spiritual animals that represent the forest and they are an omen.

I need a decor idea that fits her! The person who wins gets a mutie lion cub/adol! This contest doesnt have a due date. Im just gonna keep reposting till I find the decor idea I like! If I mix two ideas I like both creators will get a prize and even if I just keep your idea for Charred's future cubs you will get a prize as well!!

Cub names are also a thing that could get decor prizes as a side thing so you have a chance to win TWO prizes!! (the cub names would be for Charred's future cubs! )

Current Ideas I like!

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Adamine (#452787)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-10-11 22:41:08
I'd do maybe post spooky shadow cats , with like dead leaf autumn like background, maybe a few scars. Or you can contrast and add cute mice around her like she is angry things are too cute!

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mocaraid (#317674)

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Posted on
2023-10-11 23:17:04
This is how i imagine her,
Never alone, conected with her past lives spirits, sorrounded by the cubs she fiercely protects and loves, elken, the adopted deer that thinks he is a lion by her side eating pacefully by her side in the morning walk.

And some names!
Orein, means deer
Arrain, means fish
Oihan, means forest
Aingeru, means angel
Mendi, means little mountain
Deabru, means demon

Hope you like it ❤️

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