Posted by massive heat sell in planning?

(colorbombcollect) (#427596)

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Posted on
2023-10-12 09:39:25
snice i am officially a dreamboat should i make some mass trades with only inheat girls i dont want? of course i would have the prices between 150-50 sb. and each trade would have been 2-6 lions all in heat.
would this all be worth it? and who would be down for buying these heats? i do not perfer the reversed heat but i will do them if that gets me more income within this plan

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ozy | G1 2x ros pie (#278576)

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2023-10-12 09:45:02
hi! I used to do this a lot for profits, so I know a bit about it.

firstly, it depends on the month most of the time, if it's a very grindy month the prices have to be a bit lower to get them to sell. but if it's not then they can go for a lot higher! I suggest selling them in bundles of 4-8, even numbers a lot easier to track so they sell out faster. i used to price mine at 90-150 depending on the amount. and look at special ncl bases!! they sell out faster & are worth a lot more

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(colorbombcollect) (#427596)

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Posted on
2023-10-12 09:50:05
ok thank you i need to look into special bases and stuff now

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