Posted by Quality Lionesses!

ɪɴᴏ (#188320)

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Posted on
2023-10-29 13:55:38

Need all these girls gone! Chased/good markings/good bases! Quality, if sometimes dirty, lines!
Take as many or as few as you like
DO NOT claim for karma etc. they have been loved and cared for (some for IRL years!) Good homes only, I'm in no rush.
Those in cub will come with their litters once they are born IF I don't decide to keep any cubs born. This should not happen but I reserve the right to do so. You are welcome to send an IBF to get your lioness more quickly, otherwise they may take a few days to transfer. If I decide to keep cubs this will further delay transfer. You may send items to speed this process also. These are quality breeding lionesses that so much time and effort has been put into so please understand these delays and do not claim pregnant lionesses if they are an issue.
Ignore price names etc. I decided against selling them
Message or comment with lioness(es) names.
Please return unwanted cubs from the litters once weaned, rather than chasing etc. of course this is your choice; I can offer a fair price if you decide on selling them
Those in heat can be covered by my king for free if wanted
Any decor or backgrounds may not be included!
Please have space prior to contacting me.
These are not first-come-first-serve.
I may refuse some claims!

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keith 🌊🦈 (#456836)

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Posted on
2024-01-05 22:09:01
if you're still giving them away could i have pulchra et vera?

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