Posted by More Testing!

KᗩIᒍᑌ (#96580)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-10-31 08:38:16

Running Springs AuctionTEXT HERE

HTML by Quake#69866


- Only bid what you have, not what you think you'll have come time to close the bids out. I'm understanding and willing to work with players, but I'd rather not have that taken advantage of.

- Backing out of bids is discouraged. It can be abused. If something comes up and you have no other choice, please PM me. If a player is seen to be backing out of bids multiple times, they will be blacklisted from bidding in future auctions.

- There is no Minimal Increase (MI). State how much you'd like to bid after the Starting Bid (SB) and which lion - I'll have them named/numbered. If you ask for the MI, I will double the last bid.

- Politeness goes a long way. If someone outbids you on something you'd like, please don't be hateful. There will always be more pretty babies to come! Rude comments or harassment will barr you from bidding in my auction again.

- Once bidding is closed, I will set up a private trade. You have two RO days to accept the trade before the lion is put back up for auction so someone else has a chance or the lion will be chased.

- No back-seat modding, please. I am on frequently but not all day. I will update bids as soon as I can. Promise!

- Items accepted are priced by current average Branch price, not TC. (Unless none are listed on Branch - then I'll go to TC for averages.) Event items are accepted on case-by-case basis and won't always be accepted. We'll state in 'Items Accepted' if we're accepting at the time or not.

**You can not use one item to bid on more than one lion. You can, however, use multiple items to bid on one lion. (Bidding 1 RMA and 1 Zebra Heart to total 3 for example.) This is to keep things from getting confusing/complicated for me and other bidders.**

- Poses and backgrounds are NOT included and are for advertisement purposes only.

Items Accepted

- 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 5
- 15
- 25
- 25

Event Items (Decor, Backgrounds and Apps) are acceptable. Other items may be accepted/declined at my discretion. PM me with any questions BEFORE you bid with an unlisted item.

For my ease of use, 1 = 1000 . I know the market fluctuates, but it's just easier for me this way.

Current Auction End Date


Happy Bidding!

Special/Rare/Combo Factor Bases




Enter At Your Own Risk
(Long Gen and/or Dirty Beauties)

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Edited on 08/03/24 @ 17:35:29 by KᗩIᒍᑌ (#96580)

AdorableAardwolf (#407671)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-11 00:51:55

I was going for Maleficent.

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KᗩIᒍᑌ (#96580)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-12 09:31:08
@FarLeap (#407671)

This is my HTML testing page, this is not the actual contest :)

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AdorableAardwolf (#407671)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-12 10:49:52
Im sorry. If you can direct me to the contest thread I'd be very great ful Thank you!

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KᗩIᒍᑌ (#96580)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-12 11:00:42

There you go! ❤️

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