Posted by Experiences with using Pennyroyal?

lds (#455001)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-11-07 00:01:27
I'm a new player and want to get into ferus breeding. I lucked out by getting a felis cub from the giving tree and trading it for a female ferus cub at the TC. She's an adolescent now, and her heats are looming... As of now my goal is to get at least one ferus cub from her through her lifetime, but I'm not sure how I should go about this.

The way I see it, I should use her heats on ferus studs, which wouldn't even cost me more than 1000 sb in her lifetime (most likely, based on the prices I'm seeing now). OR I could do this while also providing the studs' owners with pennyroyals. This could drastically increase the amount I spend, which doesn't sound great as once again I'm very new and only have like a week's worth of sb stocked up, but it could definitely be worth it! Ultimately, I think if I spent 7 pennyroyal and received one ferus cub from the breedings, I would be satisfied. Then at least I could extend the lineage another generation and potentially make it my heir.

I am struggling to do a cost benefit analysis, however, because I have no idea if a pennyroyal provides a boost big enough to warrant this expenditure. My question is, based off your experiences using pennyroyal with 2 ferus parents, would 7 of these breedings yield a ferus cub?

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nn (#336298)

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Posted on
2023-11-07 00:12:31
It all depends on rng,

but yes using a pennyroyal with 2x ferus parents does yield the best chances of getting a ferus child. you should get one eventually with 7 breedings but its all luck with rng and litter sizes.

The only thing that guarantees a ferus cub is Mukombero which is very expensive and a rare item drop in march

but feel free to check out the wiki! it has some info on breeding but %'s im not sure

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Edited on 07/11/23 @ 00:12:54 by LucifersHellHound(UnevenNefer) (#336298)

nn (#336298)

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Posted on
2023-11-07 00:21:10
Honestly a valid thing! but if do have a female so you could just breed to males without a pennyroyal and see what you get!

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lds (#455001)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-11-07 00:19:07
Thanks for the input :) Yeah honestly I may just buy a male cub when I need an heir and skip the potential disappointment, lol.

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lds (#455001)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-11-07 00:24:53
yes! that sounds fun, even if it doesn't bring me a ferus. Maybe I'll find some studs with nice markings and bases to maximize the potential :)

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