Posted by Heritage Replacer?

eclipsedmoon (#38992)

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Posted on
2023-11-12 15:36:24
Hello! I saw someone mention something called a heritage replacer and I was wondering how that worked. Is it an item, or is there a trick/process to cleanse a lions heritage? Thanks in advance!

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-11-12 15:42:22

When you retire your king, you have the option to keep the current male's appearance or use the heir's appearance.

When people "rep" (replace) anything, what they're doing is picking an heir for aesthetics and then choosing an heir for mutation, stats, heritage, etc.. They king the aesthetic heir, then king the replacer choosing the option to "keep current male's appearance."

This leads to a king with the appearance of a specific lion while having the heritage, mutation, and stats of the replacer.

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Edited on 12/11/23 @ 15:44:23 by leon 🎄⛄ (#208511)

Novazthingz (#364200)

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Posted on
2023-11-12 16:49:33
In this case . . .

a person might king a heir purely for their looks but their heir might have a long and/or a dirty heritage .

So what the person does is they get a male lion with a short and/or a clean heritage and king it but choose the option to keep their current kings looks

so you get a pretty lion with a short and/or clean heritage ^^
(NOTE: If the king had any mutation on them and then the person used a heritage replacer and kept the looks of the current king , the mutation would be wiped)

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