Posted by Special Base Breeding Question

🛸 Vethale
(Project) (#147287)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 04:17:08
So I am currently trying to breed a bunch of sunspots, which is a golden medium CS base. I already have my king with said base. My question is I guess more statistics related: is it more efficient to fill (most) of my pride with other special bases within the same category (like Maziwa) or to simply breed as many NCLs as possible?

Pros of the Special bases: higher chance of getting a special base cub
Cons of the special bases: wait out the breeding cooldown, chance they get the "wrong" special base from the mother

Pros of NCLs: No waiting for the cooldown (claim or buy), no need to keep them around if they fail
Cons: lower chance of getting a special base. High maintenance (claiming, breeding, etc.)

Considering that I intend to only do mass breedings once a week, which is more efficient? I currently already have a bunch of special bases for a mix of the two options, but if one is more efficient, I think I'll just stick to that one

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 04:37:38
Personally, I find breeding NCLs every 3 days to be the most effective way of getting special bases. 20 days is a HUGE cooldown, and the boost special bases have over common bases is mere 2%s (and then, there's only 50% chance it will be Sunspot and 50% chance it will be the other base). Not worth feeding a lioness for 20 days for.

Best way is to breed once every 3 days.
Get a batch of NCLs, feed them to 100, and breed them. Do NOT feed them anymore, nor play with any of them - lionesses safely survive 3 days of not being cared for.
Once they give birth, chase all that didnt have a special base cub. Only feed/play those that got a special cub.
Grab another batch, repeat.

That gives the best results, per time and resources used on them.

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Edited on 15/11/23 @ 04:40:15 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 05:27:35
The way I "mass" breed is to breed 5-10 or so NCLs each day to have a constant influx (since I let the cubs age up and can't survive 100 cubs at one time lol) so special base NCLs are easy enough for me to source from either exploring or buying from other players.

But if you do one bulk breeding every 3 days, it will be easier for you to get plainer ones and breed those. 1% chance × 40 NCLs is better than 2% chance × 4 NCLs. And you can do 6-7 breeding sessions in the same amount of time as waiting 20 days.

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🛸 Vethale
(Project) (#147287)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 06:28:06
Thanks a bunch! I'll stick to the NCLs then!

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