Posted by Fix Wording For Explore Battles

𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 09:03:53
The battles are great. The battles are fun. The programmers did an epic job on them. However, there's one thing that does bug me to no end...some of the wording.

For there not only one Nirah? Why does the fight start with 'You have entered a battle with a Nirah'? Why does 'the Nirah hits me for x damage'? From an english/literacy standpoint, it makes no sense. Or with this month, with the humans...or rather, A Humans...

I propose that while yes, it may require a decent chunk of work, all fight encounters that involve fighting a singular established character (like Nirah), or plural characters like the humans, be edited to make sense as far as the wording goes.

I know its a trivial thing, but it bothers me to no end, sorry. It just...feels sloppy.


Supporting, not supporting? Give me your thoughts! However, I do ask you to refrain from commenting for the following reasons:
-It adds more work on the programmers (who are very busy on the recode). Yes. It does. So does literally every single suggestion on this board. This isn't being demanded right this very minute, but it would be a nice fix.
-It literally doesn't matter. It does to me! And likely to others, too!
-I hate you and all of your suggestions. Please just buzz off and block me, then.

ATTENTION! If this has already been suggested, please let me know! Unfortunately, I struggle to use the search feature on my phone, so while I clicked through pages, I very well could have missed the previous suggestion to this.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/11/23 @ 09:05:03 by S.Q.U.I.P. :|: 3.8kstCinPrimal (#164933)

Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 09:07:40
I think this suggestion should wait until they do the explore overhaul personally. They might've made it different to how it is now.

Will come back once that is done tho

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