Posted by [1000+!] Bulldog Syndrome: Lethal

air of Lethals (#104429)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 02:51:41
(New text at bottom of post! 🐾)

I am, personally, always fascinated by lethal and non lethal mutations in nature. Being both a farmer and avid science lover, i tend to dive into research on genetic defects when they cross my radar. Thats how i heard of this one.

There is a lethal mutation in Dexter cattle that is called Bulldog Syndrome (aka chondrodysplasia). As i did further research i found cases of similar deformities in other livestock/animals, though not linked to the same syndrome. But for sake of simplicity, lets refer to the mutation as Bulldog Syndrome. In essense, what the mutation is, is a severe and disproportionate dwarfism. (NOTE: this is not typical dwarfism that goes wrong, it is it's own KIND of dwarfism)

Affected cattle are seen with their legs severely stunted, spinal shortening/deformity, their faces snubbed, some have tongues too big for their deformed jaws, and their stomachs protrude in an obvious bulge. Below i will share some medical images of dead specimens. WARNING, THESE ARE DEAD ANIMALS

(Below is just a clean skeleton)

Now, some might say that this shouldn't apply because it is something found in cattle/sheep/pigs etc, and not in lions. My rebuttal to that is that there are plenty of lioden mutations that have never been seen in lions, and yet we have them! (Pies, patches, melanism, etc..) As well as the lioden team themselves using human and pig examples as a basis for upcoming mutations/ideas. I also do not think it is crazy to imagine that cats can have lethal deformities that are a result of dwarfism, similar to the images above. (Think munchkin breeding, where if you get two of the genes the kitten will die before birth)

Here is a medical journal quote VVV

"" THE TERM "chondrodysplasia" is used to denote a condition characterized by faulty development of cartilage and growth of bone in the ossification centers of bones of nonmembranous origin, while the periosteal formation of bone takes place at a normal or a slightly increased rate. The disturbance involves chiefly longitudinal growth resulting in widening of the epiphyses, irregularity of the epiphyseal lines, and short thickened bones as seen in the roentgenograms.1 Clinically the condition manifests itself in typical cases by shortness of stature. This is due to shortness of the legs, but the trunk is of normal length. The arms rarely extend beyond the trochanters. The hands are broad, short, and often trident. The head appears large with sunken nasal bridge and prominent forehead and lower jaw.

This condition is often called "achondroplasia." The prefix, however, means "no" and the word "achondroplasia" would indicate a condition in which formation""

Here is the proposed art with varying ideas for poses!

What the mutation would mean for a lion cub is a stubbed face with set apart eyes, deformed and stunted legs, a rather large abdominal swelling, and a protruding tongue (possibly more severe spinal deformity?) The cub would be posed in a way that clearly shows off all aspects of the mutation, with a far off, "not aware" expression.


A bit more about the mutation. The mutation can appear in aborted calves, but quite a few make it to full term and are birthed alive. However, being as deformed as they are, they only survive a few hours or days. The best record i could find said one had lived 14 days before its passing, which seems incredible to me.

As far as what to call the mutation I would suggest Bulldog, chondrodysplasia, achondroplasia, bulldog dwarfism, or bulldog syndrome !

Much like other lethals, i believe this one would possibly only live for one or two rollover periods, passing afterward.

0 Months, Birth Message: "Oh no.. your lioness notices her cub is different from other cubs. It's body is deformed, and it's unable to crawl for milk. She is worried about them.."

(Possibly another month alive?)
1 Months, Birth Message: " [Cub] struggles to suckle, and still cannot crawl. It doesn't try to move as much anymore.."

Death Message: "Cub died due to being lethally deformed."


If you don't support, please tell me why!


I am not a realism artist but i wanted to mess around with an idea! A possibility of what it could look like

(🐾 A suggestion to help with simplicity, a pose that exposes more of the belly might help with making base/marking variations. The belly could have less fur and therefore mirror the Cub's skin color, covering a broader area with an easier to manage factor (compared to making the markings/base cover the belly)

Another suggestion would be to have the lethals have a limited range of colors and marks that use the base genetics we use already, light, dark, medium, etc

This suggestion has 1169 supports and 22 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/08/24 @ 16:11:33 by ☁️Creampuff☁️Lair of Lethals (#104429)

Yichen ⚔️ (#232219)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 02:54:40
Pillow dwarf

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 03:02:49
they're so marshmallow
full support

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air of Lethals (#104429)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 03:28:03
I whipped this up in 30 or less minutes on like two hours of sleep haha I'll make updated, better art of the idea later on but I hope this at least gets the idea across!

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🎃 Jen
O'Lantern 🎃 (#177530)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 03:36:15
It would be interresting to have lethal variants of existing muts like this. I'd imagine it'd show as Dwarfism (Lethal)
or Dwarfism (Bulldog)

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bella|G3 Slender X4
Rosette (#320259)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 04:04:47

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Lumi (#436071)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2023-11-17 08:40:16
this is a lovely concept! id love to see it in game :3 i can imagine that this mutation would be a huge fan-favorite.

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Mercutio|G1 Ennedi (#253677)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 10:35:45
this reminds me of a more developed version of Amorphous Globosus fetuses, especially in the cow photos! Definitely support, Id love a little bulldog cub

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🐊 WAS???
(G1EnnediNRLC) (#387866)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-11-17 10:43:19
I need ghis

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m bomb|Ra] (#389029)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 15:16:26
so scrunkly! Full support

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Hati (#413308)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-11-17 16:13:43
Oh my God that's horrible I love it

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air of Lethals (#104429)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 16:48:49
I'll do my best to make a better sketch of the idea I have going for this mutation! I need to make it resemble a lion cub a bit further and decide on what pose/how severe I want the deformity to be. Just so I can have a more solid idea to present to others ^^ please lmk if you guys have suggestions on pose!!

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Hastur | Project Acc (#370755)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 20:36:59
I would love to have this! It feels a bit odd to refer to a lethal mutation as cute, but it totally is!

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air of Lethals (#104429)

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Posted on
2023-11-18 00:29:21
I tried to update the art but there's a charm about the original face I can't replicate haha oh well

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Hastur | Project Acc (#370755)

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Posted on
2023-11-18 08:33:28
the original looks more frowny, kinda

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-11-18 17:09:03
love this! FYI the technical term is brachycephalic if anyone wants to look up further images, more might come up that way! Support!

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