Posted by [Suggestion] Viewing Wishlist: Item Counter

Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2023-12-02 21:31:45
I apologize if this has been suggested before, and will take it down if so!

However, noticing with December especially, I feel like it would be incredibly useful to see your own item count by things on people's wishlists.

Especially for folks with large amounts of decors and items squirreled away, it would be really nice to see if you have what they want right off the bat! It would be exceedingly useful in my opinion for December, but other times too! A quick 'oh I've got this' and gift vs having to search for each thing you're unsure of in your hoard/inventory. :3

Grabbed a screenshot and edited it from my side's wishlist to show what I mean. :D Yay? Nay?

This suggestion has 27 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 18/12/24 @ 18:01:23 by Ramune [15 BO Jellynnedi] (#46341)

Aura/Starfall (#209015)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-12-04 21:30:58
Support I also wish they had a separate counter for poops and gifts so people had a bit better of an idea how many bundles are poop and how many are gifts lol

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