Posted by NCLs Can Generate With Rare Marks?

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-12-03 21:03:48
This is an organized brain-dump of sorts, for a potential solution to help spread RL marks. There's been a lot of debate recently about Raffle Lionesses not being able to spread their marks, whether it's due to being hoarded on one account, the RL being raffled off to someone who chases/fodders her without knowing her worth or to an inactive account, RLs having their marks modified, dying of old age without passing clones or cubs with rarer marking slots, etc. with a general consensus being that RLs are just not great at spreading markings as they are currently. There are also a lot of proposed solutions to this, ex. raffle studs, ticket price increases, and extra entry requirements. So here's a proposed solution that kinda goes in a different direction.

NCLs can generate with a rare-slot Tier 2 (Raffle) marking.

And because that is still extremely unspecific, here's a lot of bulletpoints about potential parameters.

• NCLs cannot generate more than one Tier 2 marking.
No rng RLs from explore. An NCL has a chance to generate one Tier 2 marking at most. This is not meant to be a replacement for RLs or an additional RL system- just to help circulate more rare markings.
• NCLs cannot generate more common Tier 2 markings.
"More common" as in maybe 750-1000+ lions with the marking? This number can be shifted around a lot- mostly just a vague placeholder currently. The point of giving NCLs a chance to generate Tier 2 marks is to make rare raffle marks more obtainable, not to be a source of raffle marks in general. To that end, there's not much point in them spawning with super common Tier 2 marks.
• NCLs cannot generate a Tier 2 marking in a slot it doesn't already exist in.
There has to be at least one lion in the game with that raffle mark in that slot in order for an NCL to spawn with it, basically. The purpose of this suggestion also isn't to make new rare raffle marks. If there are 0 lions existing with a marking in a certain slot, an NCL can't bring that marking into that slot.
• The marking cannot be generated on Groupies, Wenet's Cousins, etc.
This is exclusive to NCLs that are found through exploring, so plain year-round NCLs or NCLs with an event marking pool such as September's prophet marks. Cousins, Groupies, & similar generated NCLs with special/higher-value appearance pools could potentially have a nerfed generation chance but I don't think it's necessary to make them any more valuable or to tie raffle markings to events.
**Additionally, this wouldn't affect chased NCLs in any way, since they're preexisting lions and aren't randomly generated when claiming anyways. Lionesses would not have a chance to gain raffle marks from being chased off.
• The chance of an NCL generating a Tier 2 marking is very low.
NCLs with raffle marks shouldn't be so prolific that they make the markings wholly worthless. The chance of an NCL spawning with a raffle mark would be much, much lower than the current chance of an NCL spawning with an event NCL mark. High enough that they actually help spread marks, but not high enough that the marks stop being special. The odds of their generation would ideally be based on the current rarity of the marking:
• All the lions in the game with that marking in that slot are dead: gen% is the same as the odds of an NCL rolling an NCL-exclusive special base
• 1-3 lions alive ingame: generation% on an NCL is the same as successfully claiming a posed CRB'd NCL
This likely includes the RL who introduced the marking/slot, so I didn't want her being overshadowed by NCL generation before she's had her chance to pass her marks
• 3-20 lions alive ingame: the odds of an NCL rolling an NCL-exclusive special base
• 20-50 lions alive ingame: the odds of an NCL rolling an NCL-exclusive special base and eye color?
• 50-200 lions alive ingame: the odds of successfully finding and claiming a chased NCL
• 200-500 lions alive ingame: the odds of getting any mutation from a CRB breeding with a 3-cub litter
• 500-750 lions alive ingame: the odds of getting any mutation from a CRB breeding with a 1-cub litter

Ideally those odds should look like a skewed, bimodal bell curve with higher frequency at lower numbers of lions alive ingame, essentially. I felt that at higher numbers of lions living ingame, there's less reason for NCLs to generate with raffle markings, and at lower numbers, outside of the only lion being the RL herself and potentially a cub or two, there's much more need for the marking to be spread, especially if every lion with the marking is dead or frozen. This is very much subject to change, mostly a general reference point for where the odds should be at, and I am very open to suggestions and corrections as to what's actually more or less likely or if anything should be adjusted.

• RLs stay shiny and fun and just as worth-it as they are; I don't think this would impact their value or how sought after they are, since the marks are just generating on lionesses who are otherwise potatoes.
• The RL ending up foddered or on an inactive account doesn't mean the marking is outright gone, since it has a chance to pop up while exploring
• Markings are more obtainable. Honestly they're just pretty. People looking to breed for a specific marking or appearance or people looking to recreate a long-gone RL would have an easier time finding lions with the marking/slot they want, and wouldn't have to worry as much about their project ending because of inaccessibility.
• From Sophie #355386 : "can help reviving extinct raffle lionesses!!"

• A lion with a rare slot but few other discerning qualities might end up devaluing by an amount
• Exclusive collections of rare slot lions may end up devaluing
• Players who have spent time and resources breeding rare slot lions may experience a similar devaluing of their prides/feel they've wasted time & money
• NRLCs may devalue? Though I don't think they'd be as impacted since they're still much more similar to an RL than the average NCL

Again, this is very much a brain dump, so feedback is extremely appreciated! Please throw any and all thoughts/concerns/questions at me- this is not a polished suggestion yet but I would like to get some discussion going around this to see if it might be a viable solution.

This suggestion has 39 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/12/23 @ 21:25:03 by EntityofSilo | G3 (#107570)

Vixxie | G1 13bo
Stratosphere (#355386)

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Posted on
2023-12-03 21:16:00
another pro: can help reviving extinct raffle lionesses!!

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-12-03 21:25:13
Added to the main post; thanks!

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🌵Rango (Main) G2
10BO Ebony (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-12-04 15:01:23
Support! Honestly this could be really fun. I think it would be more fair to have all tier 2 marks in the pool to be randomly chosen, but I understand that rare slots need to be spread more, so support either way!

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Talmoi (#16689)

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Posted on
2023-12-09 16:46:16
I would support this. I think it would need to be very rare though at least to start with, somewhere between Remnants and Solaris/Muk rare!

An active player with catnip can claim hundreds of ncl’s a day, and while most would probably be foddered by players who have no idea they got a rare mark they could spread marks too easily.

I think it would be a good idea to start very rare, give it a month or two and then adjust the rarity from there depending on what happens.

I would definitely go crazy NCL hunting if this was a thing!

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Dante ~ Project King
[Main] (#80013)

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Posted on
2023-12-11 03:28:18
Fully support. This would be a great way to tackle rare slots but without worrying about devaluing RLCs. An NCL with 1 raffle mark is still 14 traits away from being a clone so it's hardly going to devalue anything other than rare slots IMO, and even rare slots it may or may not devalue significantly. I would say that these NCLs should be rare though, like CRB lionesses.

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Equagga|G2 Vagabond
Splash (#105402)

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Posted on
2023-12-11 17:37:01
Groupies can do this already (that's where my line of formerly very rare slot Fel 4 ginger comes from) and we can already find NCLs with rare slot BOMs in explore if someone chases them (just got a girl with reasonably rare slot bandit unders last week) so I see no reason for there not to be a low chance of finding them year round on regular NCLs. Though, to keep the rare ones a little rare (it is really fun to find a mark-slot combo with less than 100 live lions) I would prefer there be lower chances for all the marks than most of your suggestions. 1 out of every 500 NCLs seems special enough, to me, and it would keep the groupies (who seem to be generated with BOMs reasonably frequently) exciting, and it would keep the value of those with genuinely rare marks high since that 1-in-500 chance NCL probably will be generated with something mundane like a feline mark in a common slot, just because if all things are equal, there's a lot more old, common BOMs than shiny new one (though a surprising amount of feline marks are relatively rare due to being unpopular).

Maybe, since the issue is some mark-slot combos (and even markings themselves) fail to spread at all, there could be a set number of NCLs with the markings released on the latest RL generated on the Friday she goes home? Not many-- maybe 10, tops-- but enough to ensure at least a few copies of the mark make it out to different people. Most will be failed claims or foddered, but that's another thing that will help the RL's cubs retain value-- the NCLs released with her might not be recognized for what they are.

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 08:58:08
The current system of spreading RL marks is in desperate need of adapting to the current amount of players. And there are a lot of interesting ideas suggested (Raffle studs, multiple RLs etc) but this is the one that will have the least backlash I think. It is simple to implement, won't disrupt the lives of people not interested, won't upset the people who want to keep the current system of RLs and it will immensly HELP the people who just want markings. And it will help honestly everyone bc it will allow for a recreation of "lost RLs", so there's less pressure on the winner.

Support ofc

Edit to add

People with collection of rare markings may be impacted a little ofc. However I suspect that most of these collectors just want to prevent these marks from dying out. So it will make their job easier and less stressfull bc even if they're loose a marking - there is a chance of it reappearing somewhere again. And they will have a chance to get markings that currently exist only on dead/list RLs. So it's a win-win-win for EVERYONE imo

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Edited on 20/05/24 @ 09:00:59 by Magnituda [sunrise project] (#198042)

snowmew [G1 14BO
Abyssinian] (#63212)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 09:03:23
The point of groupies is for ncls to have rare marks and bases. So i don't support. It kinda defeats the purpose of the event.

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Edited on 20/05/24 @ 09:05:04 by snowmew [G1 14BO Abyssinian] (#63212)

Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 09:09:07
It doesn't though. There is too many dead slots for groupies to handle that. And the suggestion isn't about bases at all. So groupies would still be special - especially that they can have mutations as well and NCLs cannot. Also groupies are ment to spread May bases mostly.

This is about spreading new and dead/rare marks. The chance for any BO marking would be extremely small. And with the amount of markings in game - the chance for it to be also a dead slot? So rare that it would in no way imapact groupies.

Current way of spreading new BO markings in new slots SUCKS and we need solutions. That is the point here

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Edited on 20/05/24 @ 09:09:18 by Magnituda [sunrise project] (#198042)

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 11:12:37
@snowmew I see your point- my line of thinking is that we’ve had groupies for so long already and there’s still so many raffle markings that just aren’t circulating, so maybe another source of those markings is necessary. This isn’t meant to impact groupies- they and similar event-special claims will still be the only sources for event-specific bases, marks, and eye colors.

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