Posted by Tips???
nylahnovack (#249949)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-12-04 16:10:16
Hi! If you are experienced with this game could you give some tips about certain things?

SB/GB seems really hard to gain without having good items to sell.
- How do I promote my branch/sales when I don't have rare or cool items?
- How do I know how much something should sell for?
- How do I know if something is worth selling/using?
- Is it better to sell in Monkey Business or to players?

Territory seems really hard to gain.
- Is the only way to get it by using SB/GB and attacking?
- Should I be getting rid of female lions I don't want or should I try to sell them?

Leveling up seems to reach a threshold (around 11 for main male) and exploring, sparring, and attacking just isn't doing it.
- Is there some other way of gaining exp that I'm missing?

Also I feel like I'm missing a huge part of the game itself. I just log on everyday a few times and hunt, attack, spar, breed, and take care of my pride. I feel like I don't know what half of this site is.
- Is there other stuff that I'm missing?
- Is there a tutorial/guide? (Maybe I missed it at the beginning or something?)

Thanks!! I have been on here for a few years, but I still feel like I'm not totally a part of this place. Maybe I'm missing something???

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🍯 Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2023-12-04 16:32:21
1. You can advertise your sales in the sales chat in the chat box and in the trading center you can bump your trades up to be seen on the first page.

2. Search for the item you are going to sell both in branches and the trading center and put the same price or something a little lower to sell it quicker. Lions are harder to estimate a price unto, but if it has specific traits, like mutation, special base or high stats for example, you can search tc for similar traits and sample from there.

3. Most profitable items for selling are the breeding items, base and marking applicators from events, mutation applicators (from January event and from Black Friday sales, in this case Piebald/patches applicators) and some other items. I recommend joining all events, especially in February, then hoarding all the event currency you get to the end of the month, buy the breeding items/applicators etc., hoard them in your inventory and sell 4-7 months after the event for best currency. Learning what to buy and when to sell takes time, but reading forums during the events and wiki is the best way to start. Never sell any expensive items during the event you can buy them from, they get the least amount of GB.

4. Food is usually best sold in huge patches in trading center, usually 100 food uses, especially big carcasses, get you few GB per trade. If the item is rotting the next day, your best bet is to sell larger rotting carcasses for lower amount in the branches and if they don't sell, then sell to monkey so you don't miss the money from them.

5. How to gain up to 40 territory slot:
After 40 slots you need to pay GB to expand.

6. Depends on the lioness. If it's plain newly claimed lioness that is not in heat, it's usually best to just chase/kill/reserve. In some events there are NCLs with event BO markings, so during those months it is usually best to breed them yourself or sell them in tc, especially if they are in heat (depends on your impression, Dreamboat is highest and all lionesses are in heat when you get them). The lionesses I don't use I usually chase for no energy loss, sometimes send them to reserve to get karma.

7. Exp items can easily raise your exp, though the higher level you are, the more you need. Battling on battle heavy events is also good way to level up fast. Items in wiki:

8. You can easily spend hours on Lioden and even more if you are someone who likes to roleplay with their lions, write lore on your pride or your lions or chat on forums etc. But yes, there was tutorial, but you can also find it and so, so much more in the official wiki:

I have been LD player since 2015 and I love the wiki so much, even though I almost know everything there is. It is official wiki and it get's updated a lot, so I really recommend checking it out

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-12-04 17:33:09
Paipa covered it pretty well, but I wanna be included too :V I'll copy paste your stuff and then just respond to it in bold, otherwise I'll get lost haha.

SB/GB seems really hard to gain without having good items to sell.
You are right about that! I really hate that aspect of it, because I want to keep my stuff AND have an income, but alas. I will say, make sure you have less than 5000 SB on you at all times or you won't get SB from explore/battles/quests/etc! If you have a second account, link them to make it easier to transfer currency between them each time you explore. You can transfer currency in the Event page.
- How do I promote my branch/sales when I don't have rare or cool items?
If people want to buy something, they'll find it. 99% of the time, people will gravitate towards the cheapest available option - for items, anyway - so if yours are the cheapest, they should be bought. Of course, sometimes supply vs demand makes things wack. My personal rule of thumb is after half the trade time elapses (15 days for everything except food) it probably won't get bought at that price.
- How do I know how much something should sell for?
Uh, I guess I kinda answered that one a bit. Branches and trade center are a great reference for items. Some people try to sell stuff at the "average" price, which is uh.. :V (Why would I buy your lion scrotum for 30 GB, when there are a bunch listed on branches for 22 GB?) Lions are a whole other matter, and I'm afraid I can't offer any guidance there.
- How do I know if something is worth selling/using?
Paipa got this one already, I have nothing to add!
- Is it better to sell in Monkey Business or to players?
Food is a stable source of income to sell to players, most months being worth 1 GB per 100 uses (except January and August), if you have surplus. I'm a hoarder, so I hardly ever sell anything that takes up a ton of space like bulk craftables, skulls, etc. But I do sell lion skulls and elephant skulls (heck, other skulls too sometimes) to the monkey business if I need SB! You won't usually find someone paying more than the monkey business for lion and elephant skulls (56 and 75 SB each respectively).

Territory seems really hard to gain.
- Is the only way to get it by using SB/GB and attacking?
DON'T SPEND SB ON TERRITORY IF YOU CAN GET IT FOR FREE BY ATTACKING! Sorry for caps, but I always get sad when I see new players struggling for territory, dead broke. It's actually really easy to fight for by using the Search in Crossroads. Simply check the main male box up at the top to make sure you're searching for kings, and then input a level (on the right) "at least" 2 lower than your own king's level and total stats (at the bottom) "no more than" your king's. Though I would suggest typing as low of a number as you can for stats until you get a few you can fight, as that increases your chances.
- Should I be getting rid of female lions I don't want or should I try to sell them?
If you need space asap, it might be best to just chase. Especially if they're not super spectacular, like common base + 1 marking. Selling is SO HARD with the trade center as bloated with lions as it is.

Leveling up seems to reach a threshold (around 11 for main male) and exploring, sparring, and attacking just isn't doing it.
Yyyup. There's definitely a plateau for casual players, haha! Depending on the age of my king and the events he lives during, I can reach around 12-18. July is an excellent month for exp if you don't mind heavily battle grinding. The enemies in celestial explore don't require energy to fight if you only explore at 0% energy there, so it's only limited by the number of meteorite shards you have, which allow you to take steps in celestial explore.
- Is there some other way of gaining exp that I'm missing?
Exp items are the best way to level up in the "earlier" levels, though I've heard from extreme stat kings that once you reach a high enough level, battling is the most efficient way. At a certain point it starts to take hundreds of giant torts to gain a level, and if they cost 1 GB each, it becomes a massive money sink. Easier to just use roasted lambs and energy boosts on days they roll over. (They rarely roll over in order to preserve their king's lifespan since it's so much work to get an extreme stat king, so it's a decent chunk of grinding on specific days!)

Also I feel like I'm missing a huge part of the game itself. I just log on everyday a few times and hunt, attack, spar, breed, and take care of my pride. I feel like I don't know what half of this site is.
- Is there other stuff that I'm missing?
That's pretty much it if you're not much of an explorer! I float around on the forums when I'm a bit bored. My pride's pretty big, so breeding is actually a large portion of what I do depending on the day. It varies for everyone.
- Is there a tutorial/guide? (Maybe I missed it at the beginning or something?)
I personally feel that the wiki is lacking a bit in terms of every bit of information that exists on the site, so I'd take a look at some User Created Guides, which is a subforum within Game Help! A pretty wide variety of guides are there, and usually the most reputable ones have a lot of activity (comments, likes) on them.

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Edited on 04/12/23 @ 17:33:29 by Bandit Gambit [G1, Project] (#98263)

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