Posted by Sold Cubs no Longer Appearing

KillShot (extinct
3.16.18 RLC) (#314151)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 23:06:58
So lately I've been having an issue where if I sell a male cub they won't appear in my "View all Cubs Bred" anymore, I was wondering if this was normal or if this was an issue other players were having? I should probably mention that this has only been happening to sold ones, not abandoned or traded ones-

If anyone knows, I'd really appreciate it! I'm just trying to see if any of my sons become heirs lol

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oceanbiu (#118862)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-12-06 23:24:12
There's a rare chance to get the "Difficult+" category for the gorilla, which requires you to give him any type of mutie; so there's always a possibility!

It is also possible that they are used as mut replacers, though I'm pretty sure they'd still show up under your cubs bred tab; the link would just be invalid.

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oceanbiu (#118862)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-12-06 23:12:33
What do you mean by sell? Do you sell them via trades? If so, it's likely that they might be given to the gorilla as fodder.

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KillShot (extinct
3.16.18 RLC) (#314151)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 23:16:04
Sorry, by trade I meant transfer, they seem fine when transferred. It's specifically when I sell them in the trading hub that they disappear.

I was wondering if they were given to the gorilla but It didn't make sense to me because the ones that've been disappearing are mutties so they cost quite a bit

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KillShot (extinct
3.16.18 RLC) (#314151)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 23:31:52
Okay that makes a lot more sense, I had no idea that it even requested muts, I'm gonna assume that's what happened to them, because they don't show as invalid.


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molly|G1 Angeli
Ennedi|PR 11BO (#415565)

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Posted on
2023-12-07 07:05:32
Because of the gorilla enclave, I have started to check on the cub when I get the "Trade Buyout" message. Mostly just for curiosity's sake, I want to see if the cub was for the gorillas or if someone liked it and wanted to keep it. Basically, I just click the link to the cub in the buyout message, and if it was given to the gorilla enclave (or killed, nature preserved, etc.) a "This lion doesn't exist" type of message will pop up with a blank page.

Usually if it was bought for the enclave, the buyer sends it there immediately. So by the time I see the message I can usually know the fate of the cub.

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