Posted by Ways to keep my sub males?

Snazzy (#458167)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-12-15 04:18:32
I have a few gorgeous sub males that I want to keep but recently discovered I can only have two slots for SB :( I don't have the funds to purchase gold beetles but I'm unsure if I can get them another way. I don't think I can freeze the males either, but I really don't want them to run away. Is there another way I could keep them or get GB?

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Sketch (Side) (#243813)

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Posted on
2023-12-15 04:52:10
Hey there. Unfortunately enough, as you have noticed, you will need submale slots for any ADULT submales. Male adolescents and male cubs do not occupy submale slots.

Here are two options that you can consider:
- Changing the gender of your adolescent male lion to a female lioness using an Adult Sex Changer. You can opt to change the gender of your lion into a female lioness so that they occupy territory slots when they become an adult. The rationale is that it's cheaper to get more territory slots vs getting more submale slots. However, after the age of 2, you cannot change the gender of a lion. In addition, an Adult Sex Changer costs 1GB in the Oasis, and at similar rates in the Branches and Trades.

- Getting a side account. If you have a side account, you will have space for two submale slots just like your main account. Of course, you will have to buy the slots there again, but it will cost 500SB for the first two slots just like your main account.

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Sketch (Side) (#243813)

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Posted on
2023-12-15 05:21:30
Great! You treat your side account just like your main account. That is you can explore, participate in events, create trades, etc., (Of course, there are many nuances that I'm not sure if I can go through in this post alone. But we have a great community here on Lioden who can without doubt answer most of your questions.)

For your specific question, I'll assume that you have read through the Code of Conduct with respect to accounts. Going to bring up funneling because it seems to be asked quite a bit. You can freely transfer items between your two accounts. Throughout my time here, I'm pretty sure I have transferred hunderds even. But Lioden checks for IP addresses often enough. Staff will watch if someone in the same household sends you items for instance. -> it can be considered funneling. Back to point, you can transfer items between your main account and side account, through the gifting option or through trades if you want to move some things from your main account to your side account and vice versa. For currency though, it's easier to go to your event page. This page has a list of all the currencies that you can transfer between your two accounts.

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Snazzy (#458167)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-12-15 05:05:45
Thank you so much <3 I actually read this right after creating an alternate account. I went through the FAQ and I've linked them together now. Is there anything I should know about having the accounts linked? I'm assuming the easiest way to transfer things would be through trading, but if there's a better way I'd love to hear your suggestions.

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