Posted by RLCs
Twinkies (#379863)

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Posted on
2023-12-16 13:42:18
Could anyone please tell me how much raffle clones usually go and if they're even worth breeding for? If so, which ones / which years would you recommend?

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Edited on 16/12/23 @ 13:52:41 by Twinkies (#379863)

|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2023-12-16 13:54:32
It really depends on the RLC to be honest. The more rare they are the higher the price and the more common or wide-spread they are the lower the price. Some still hold a good price regardless of rarity if they are popular or private lined(meaning no clones sold to the public)

They can be a good investment to get into if you have patience and understand that some clones will be mean and refuse to clone. Having a stock pile of worms if always a good thing to consider when buying RLCs. People usually like any clone from 2021 to present, but everyone has different tastes!

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