Got a bunch of apps in my collection, and honestly I don't know how many I'm ever going to use. Plus my CRB project is expensive. All apps will be priced at lowest branch price. Let me know what you want, and I'll set up a private trade for you!
The list
Ammonite Body x 3
Ancestral Body
Angelic Core
Angelic Imprints
Angelic Mane
Applicator: Blemish x 5
Applicator: Blue Lace x 3
Applicator: Brawl x 8
Applicator: Citron Markings
Applicator: Feline 7 White
Applicator: Grunge x 5
Applicator: Hyena Blots Heavy x 2
Applicator: Hyena Blots Scarce x 2
Applicator: Hyena Spots Heavy
Applicator: Hyena Spots Scarce x 2
Applicator: Hyena Stripes Heavy x 2
Applicator: Hyena Stripes Scarce x 2
Applicator: Inverted Blemish x 6
Applicator: Inverted Brawl x 10
Applicator: Inverted Squabble x 5
Applicator: Kimanjano Mottled Vents
Applicator: Lilac Lace
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy Inverted x 2
Applicator: Mottled Fissures
Applicator: Neutron Markings x 3
Applicator: Onyx Lace
Applicator: Onyx Vitiligo
Applicator: Proteles Heavy
Applicator: Proteles Scarce
Applicator: Red Inverted Zebra
Applicator: Red Lace x 2
Applicator: Rugged Back x 2
Applicator: Rugged Face x 2
Applicator: Rugged Rump x 2
Applicator: Rugged Unders
Applicator: Rumble x 5
Applicator: Scraped Back x 2
Applicator: Scraped Grunge x 2
Applicator: Squabble x 2
Applicator: Thrashed Back x 2
Applicator: Thrashed Chest x 2
Applicator: Thrashed Face x 2
Applicator: Thrashed Unders x 2
Applicator: White Panther
Arctic Circle
Arctic Crevasse
Ardor Elegance
Astral Blessing
Atlas Markings x 3
Atlas Titan x 3
Aufeis Layers
Aufeis Sheet
Augur Fur
Augur Prophecy
Blazing Corpse
Blazing Fur
Blazing Sigils
Blood Moon Body
Blood Moon Mark
Bloodbourne Infection
Bloodbourne Mane
Bloodbourne Stains
Blue Poinsettia Patterns
Brimstone Core x 3
Brimstone Imprints x 9
Brimstone Mane
Burning Embers x 6
Chatoyant Carvings x 2
Chatoyant Enamel
Cherry Lips
Cretaceous Body
Curse of Divine x 2
Date with Manakbir
Decennial Base x 3
Demonic Mane
Diceros x 5
Dicey Ice
Divine Blessing
Dust: Hematite x 2
Dust: Kunzite x 2
Dust: Labradorite
Dust: Meteorite
Dust: Moonstone
Dust: Nuummite
Dust: Rhodonite x 2
Dust: Rough Opal
Dust: Rough Ruby x 2
Eldritch Immolation x 3
Eldritch Ritual x 3
Ethereal Body x 2
Ethereal Fur x 6
Eye Applicator: Arid
Eye Applicator: Cloudy
Eye Applicator: Demon x 3
Eye Applicator: Drongo
Eye Applicator: Eldritch x 4
Eye Applicator: Mist
Eye Applicator: Omen x 3
Eye Applicator: Vile x 2
Favour of Anubis
Favour of Bast
Feast of (April's) Fools x 2
Feast of Saint Patrick x 6
Festive Gift x 2
Fiery Unders
Fossil Body x 3
Fossil Fur x 6
Fragments: Amethyst x 2
Fragments: Carnelian
Fragments: Dioptase
Fragments: Fire Opal x 2
Fragments: Garnet x 2
Fragments: Jasper
Fragments: Opal
Fragments: Peridot
Fragments: Tanzanite
Frostbitten Paws
Frostbitten Skin
Fuchsia Mane x 7
Glacial Special
Glass Dust
Grace of the King Cheetah x 3
Gregarious Form
Gregarious Mark x 5
Gregarious Phase
Gregarious Swarm x 3
Harbinger Body x 2
Harvest Moon Body
Harvest Moon Fur
Harvest Moon Marks x 2
Haunch of Hirola
Haunted Body
Haunted Mark
Heavenly Blessing x 2
Heavenly Serenity x 2
Hibiscus Nectar
Hirola Markings
Hot Cocoa x 2
Infernal Blood
Infernal Mane x 2
Infernal Stigma
It's All Peachy!
Ivory Carvings
Jacana Markings x 2
Kiss from a Rose
Mane Applicator: Bloodbath x 5
Mane Applicator: Hyena x 2
Mane Markings: Lilac x 2
Mane Markings: Whisper
Mark of the Swarm x 4
Murex Markings: Haliotis
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Corrupted)
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Fringe)
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Nebulous)
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Panda)
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Plumage) x 2
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Vernal)
Mutie On Demand: Patches (Wicked)
Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Tobiano)
Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Tovero)
Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Wrapped)
Mutie On Demand: Primal
Nacre Carvings x 2
Nacre Lining x 2
Nautilus Body x 2
Noctis Fur
One with the Giants
Ornate Body Frame
Parhelion Body
Parhelion Fur
Pelt Heavy with Sparkles
Penumbra Body x 6
Penumbra Fur x 5
Phantom Body
Phantom Fur
Possession x 2
Protea Nectar
Prune Skin x 2
Ragdoll Scratch Marks
Random Marking Applicator
Reindeer Markings
Relic of Bast
Relic of Seth
Royal Coat of Seth
Sacred Body
Sacred Fur x 6
Scent of Fuchsia x 2
Scent of Hibiscus x 2
Seduction x 3
Seer Divination
Sepulture Body
Shape of Swarm x 4
Shard Body x 3
Shard Fur
Shard Stains x 5
Shards: Hematite x 4
Shards: Kunzite
Shards: Moss Agate x 2
Shards: Nuummite
Shards: Opal x 2
Shards: Rhodonite x 2
Shards: Rough Ruby x 2
Sidereal Blessing x 2
Skin Applicator: Lagoon x 5
Skin Applicator: Lavender x 7
Spectre Body
Spicy Ice
Styx Fur x 5
Supernal Body x 2
Supernal Fur x 2
Taste of Cotton Candy
Taste of Merlot
The Aardwolf
The Bodyguard x 3
The Guardian
The Hyena
The Jacana
The Safeguard
Titanic Fluff
Token of Bast
Touch of Demiurge
Trained Haruspex
True Titan
Unholy Body
Unholy Curse
Unholy Mane x 2
Uplifted Splendor Markings x 2
Uplifted Valiant Markings
Victor's Secret x 2
Water Hyacinth Nectar
Wicked Blood
Wicked Body
Windfall Body
Windfall Fur