Posted by Heritage checking snake

Mesozoic Malarkey (#248608)

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2023-12-27 19:54:13
I've had this idea cooking up for a little while and wanted to see what others thought of it, open to criticism!

I'm pretty sure we've all had this problem; There's this one lion you really really like for whatever reason, maybe even enough to king them, but then you decide to check their heritage.

You're met with tons of lions that took part in creating the one you have at hand, which makes you flip through several pages. You take the high road and begin checking every single lion at the end of each page, only to find their great-great-great-great grandpaw had a fling with his sister on the last page.

Or worse, you don't realize until the mistake is made, so you're left wth cubs you cannot use, no matter how good they are, at least if you really care about having clean lions like me.

My idea is to add another snake, one that could "go through your lion's family tree". Since players can already sort and see their heritage, apart from pride and king dinasties, it wouldn't be a far-fetched idea.

Of course, like all the other snakes this would come with a fee. It could be silver beetles or maybe items like the fertility snake that takes skulls. Perhaps this snake likes to slither around soft feathers or hide underneath large leaves. The fee would not be affected by the number of pages in the lion's heritage, since the player likely wouldn't know in the first place

The lion you want to be checked could be accessed through a drop-down view of your pride, since I think being able to to see other's lions making use of their # would be a bit invasive, since not everyone cares for clean or dirty lions.

Whatever the case, I think this would be greatly convenient for any player! Since it is something that can happen to anyone since the giving tree is right there, as well as the giveaway chat.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/12/23 @ 21:26:54 by Mesozoic Malarkey (#248608)

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