Posted by Living Funeral <3

β˜•Monox🌨 (#380407)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 01:36:50


A lioness looks up at you, she seems to be away from the crowd of lions in the distance. She smiles softly but it was obvious she was sad, "Welcome, you must have been invited to Atticus's funeral." She scoffs, looking at the crowd, "The doofus had the idea of a 'living funeral' so he can hear all the nice things people wanted to say." She shifts her paws "You should join them. Its a really nice party. Even if you dont know him, he would still love if you went."


Little Atticus

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1. If you respond (Greetings, gifts, compliments, chatter, etc.) you have to in roleplay

2. You can only get one prize per lion you use

3. Once you respond your name will be added to the 'guestlist' and will get a prize after the funeral is over

4. When roleplaying mention who you are talking to, you can talk to Atticus or anyone else in the party.

5. If you choose the sketch option it will be a headshot and will be really messy and quick. You can choose if you want colors or not and decors are completely fine.

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The Funeral/Party

You walk over to the crowd and see the opposite of what you expect at a funeral. Cubs and lions danced around while a group of adols sang, fish and berries were being handed around, and lions were talking and laughing. In the middle of the group theres a massive fluffball nuzzling his hellos to a few guests then he looks up at you, his stub tail wagging,

"Hello!! Welcome to my funeral!"

He sounded so happy, so estatic about his own funeral. Its as if this was just a birthday party and not an actual funeral.

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Art of Atticus
Sketches/Art of Atticus during the party will be put here! If you wanna make art you'll get a mystery prize for it. It might be gb, decor, or even apps. (Apps Left: 3)

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People on this list will get a free sketch of their lion OR a mystery gift after the party as a parting gift from Atticus

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Please Read

Im trying to get as many cubs out of him as possible. Its so awesome hes out of stud requests but that also means nobody else can stud. So he will do reverse breeding and then I'll send you the cubs once they wean! If you wanna do this PM me for more details!

Also tysm for coming to the party. Even if you didnt respond it means a lot to me. Atticus is very special to me and its hard to say goodbye. (Ik hes a bunch of pixels but iim attached) Anyway tysm again.

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I completely forgot to mention this! Atticus/the other lions will roleplay back but to keep it more organized on who I've responded to and who I havent im waiting till he hands out the parting gifts at the end.

Please dont think im ignoring your comment. All of you guys have literally made me cry cause I didnt think this forum would really work. I love you guys so much for doing this and I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your messages. Ty again for helping me say good bye to my ball of fluff! <3

Β· Β· ─────── ·✿· ─────── Β· Β·


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Edited on 29/12/23 @ 20:13:14 by β˜•Monox🌨 (#380407)

Goddess Of Muties (#342776)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2023-12-29 01:51:11
Ghost'Spots dips his head in a respectful way before making his way over to the casket and saying his respects, and then he goes and sits next to the sad lioness offering her a shoulder to cry on if she wants it, "my name is Ghost'Spots by the way" the big primal smilus king states calmly. Then he turns his head way from hers as he urges himself not to hug the clearly grievng queen.

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ZORTFREYJA | 303/900
HS (#456161)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-29 01:57:22
Vernonn walks into the funeral and immediately finds his way to Atticus before sitting down. "Well I'll be. Never thought I would see the day that someone would be this excited for their own funeral." He shook his head and lightly laughed, but a hint of a sadness pushing through. "You will be missed but I just know you had a good life. I'll even bet you join the wildest of prides in the afterlife." He nodded his head and then walked away to sit down, embracing the moments of life and death colliding, knowing Atticus would be at peace and would forever have a place in his heart.

(I completely understand the attachment- he is definitely a pretty boy.)

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‘πŸ€πŸ’—πŸ’œ (#262799)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 05:36:15
Nala walks into the funeral and finds there way to the back and sits down. She bows to give respect. "Am shocked to see someone at there funeral" bows ones more am from phantom pride and am a pie king,then sits back down in the back and keep bowing to Atticus

(He is quite the handsome king)

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Edited on 29/12/23 @ 06:05:12 by Phantom [they/them/he/him] (#262799)

Finch (#253618)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-29 17:34:34
:.Dusk'Crow silently makes his way through the Funeral, his ears perked up at every sound. It intrigued him, the rumors he heard over lands beyond of someone having a Funeral to celebrate there death, yet they are very much alive. He made his way through, scanning his surroundings before finally approaching the casket of Atticus.: "Though I am just a wanderer upon your pride- I can see that you have lead it well, with your head held high and a kindness to others- May you rest in peace with the other great king before you-" :.He muttered, dipping the crown of his head before padding away into the crowd.:

(I very much understand the attachment TwT)

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Edited on 29/12/23 @ 17:42:14 by Finch (#253618)

18BO 8ros (#415425)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 17:38:20
Eos pads through the funeral gracefully, looking as though her paws barely touch the ground as she dips her head to Atticus before purring, β€œI’m here in place of my king, for he has an important event to attend. He sends his most sincere wishes and says that you have been a great leader for your pride.” She scampers up a tree, into the shade before coolly surveying the surroundings.

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Mags (#309817)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 17:44:42
I love this. I felt so sad knowing my Queen had reached 15 years. She was special to me, as I won her via a roleplay interaction and she gifted me many beautiful cubs. Thank you! This is such a fun and lovely idea to "say goodbye". ))

An elderly lioness stumbles upon the scene, leaning on her Queen, Kifo, to keep her balance. Kifo huffs, staring elsewhere, but knowing how her new pride feels about "family" and supporting the elders, she snarls lightly as she nudges the old Queen, Gravuun, to go on about her business.

Gravuun's side heaves as she treads closer to the excitement. She coughs, having difficulties keeping her lungs full through her excitement. She nudges her head against the male, Atticus, purring and waving her tail. "What a fantastic idea to promote your rule as King and pass on your lineage, sir. I just love this whole thing!". As she chimes, Kifo rolls her eyes and plops onto her bottom. A stone plate of fish and berries passes in front of her...she eyeballs the crowd before grabbing a large mouthful, leaving a bit of drool dangling from the serving stone. As she munches, she watches the elder former Queen, careful to monitor the surroundings. She'd surely be exiled if something happened to the old bat under her protection...

Gravuun would make merry and carry on long conversations with the party-goers and the former King while Kifo stuck to the shadows.

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PIE! <3) (#348598)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 18:37:52
Drayx made his way towards Atticus, bowing his head in respect for the male. "You took care of my prides young when i no longer could, and for that- I will do the same with yours. May the stars forever shine brighter with you among them," he said softly, rubbing his head against the other males pelt before taking his leave.

(Atticus is gorgeous!)

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Goddess Of Muties (#342776)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:14:48
you see Ghost'spots call out to his queen who is a very pretty ennead based Queen, and she trots over to him looking confused, once she get to him she sees that he's talking to another lioness, you can see that she's trying to hide her jelousy, but then she realizes that the lioness is grieving (at least she looks like she is) so she sits down and offers some kind words, to the sad lioness.
"I couldn't imagine how I'd take lossing my mate, so i get it"
and with that she offers the sad lioness a hug, which Ghost'Spots looks jelous cause he was telling himself no hugging lionesses that aren't his queen.

( the lioness)

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Baudome (#452767)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:24:44
Alyxander the second pads into the funeral, Astra the cub at his heels. He was bringing his heir along for world experience. He sat and chatted with the other primal, smiling at the idea of a living funeral, complimenting the other king for the idea.

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100% Artificial
Goose Juice (#432586)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:26:46
You see a Golden lion with their cub, they look incredibly similar. The cub bounds up to Atticus and greets him. "Hi! My name is Piper and this is my king, Funky!" She turns back to her king with a frustrated expression and you hear her whisper "what do I say again?" Funky whispers something back and after a moment of silence she loudly exclaims, "CONGRATS ON RETIRING!" And scampers off to the clearing where other lions are dancing. Funky sighs, passes Atticus a courteous nod and follows Piper.

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Ach πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ (#445743)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:33:24
((awww, too bad i had never seen this precious guy before now- he's so beautiful!))

A large pink-ish lion enters the area before he offers a gentle smile to the older lion. "Hey, comrade. I'm sorry I've never seen you before, but..." He hesitates before shuffling his paws and looking at the older lion as he offers a gentle smile to Atticus. Aleksandr then takes a breath so he can finish without halting again. Then he realizes that he is really bad at normal lion-to-lion interaction. "Comrade, I will help care for your Pride if need be."

Finally glad to have it out of his maw, the deadly lion takes a seat next to the larger lion. His lithe body - built for both fighting and running - leans slightly to the left, towards the other lion. But he does not know what to do other than provide a friendship - a camaraderie, if one would - to the older lion so close to death's door but still happy with his life. Aleksandr only hopes that he could be the same way.

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Kou (#459681)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:33:36
Nasus had always heard murmurings of living funerals, but never thought he'd see the day where he was invited to one, especially by a king so beloved by many. He could sense the mixture of emotions all around him; grief, love, joy. Much to be expected for such a bittersweet occasion. The dark lion nodded his head in acknowledgement to everyone he passed by as he made his way to Atticus, bowing respectfully upon reaching said lion. "It is an honor to have known you in life, and in death I hope we meet again when we both rest with the Great Kings of the past." Bowing once more, Nasus made his way towards the rest of those gathered for the event and joined in with the many conversations.

(This is such a sweet idea! Such a lovely way to send off a lovely lad.)

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Shibou (#457741)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:33:50
Tibby walks into the funeral with a wrapped scroll held loosely in his jaws. "Ah! You must be Atticus" the muffled words could barely be heard before tibby dropped the scroll before the great kings paws. The scroll unraveled to reveal a portrait of the old primal. "My pride is a creative bunch, we wanted to give you a parting gift that will last forever" said Tibby with a smile. He softly touched Atticus head before heading to fill his mouth with fish.

(Enjoy! )

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Val (#285937)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 19:40:44
Perseus arrives on her own, her pale fur seeming freshly groomed. Two little cubs follow at her heels, both newcomers in her own pride that she'd quickly grown attached to. After all, if their actual king couldn't be bothered to care about new lions in the pride, she sure would. Her fondness only grows for the cubs as they press close to her, looking nervously up at the lion they've come to visit. She approaches Atticus with just as much enthusiasm, if a little more subdued. "I know we've never met before, but I've heard your name in passing a few times and figured I should stop by. I'm Perseus, the heir of my pride. Our king is, well, not exactly in the best state, to say the least, so I doubt he'll show his face."

Feeling one of the cubs press against her leg, she glances down before gently nudging them forward. "These two have just joined the pride today, and my mentor, Braveheart, thought they should come along." The tip of her tail rests on the male cub's shoulder. He'd only arrived moments before the trio had left but was taking the sudden change rather well. "This little guy is Alastair. From what I've heard, he looks just like his father. And her..." Perseus trails off. She realizes suddenly that the other cub didn't exactly have a name yet. "Well, I've just been calling her Princess. Nobody has come up with a name that fits yet."

The two young cubs seem reluctant to speak, but before Perseus can say her final words and leave, Princess speaks up. "Percy said this is a funeral. Aren't funerals for dead lions?" Alastair hushes her quickly, but Perseus just smiles. "Most funerals are. This one is just a little unique." Really, she doesn't get the concept either, but she keeps her mouth shut on that. "We should be heading back soon, though. I hope your pride does well after you pass on. If they ever need help, my pride is always willing to assist however we can." With that, she guides the cubs away.

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γ„’δΈ¨αŽΆδΉ‡ε°Ί (2x
ross ferus) (#386956)

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Posted on
2023-12-29 20:27:58
Calypso, lazily walking in as if he couldnt be more bothered. He yawned approaching Atticus. "Congrats on the- eh... yeah" A slim feline hidiing behind Calypso, peeking over at the colourful robust primal infront of her. Calypso then nudged at the small feline. "This here is my companion Aphrodite. Shes a real throphy." As Calypso snickered, the beautiful leopon stepped forward. "H-h-hello.. i-its nice to meet you..." Aphrodite is a young, chestnut coloured Leopon that Calypso brought with her to socialize more. She seems forced and stubborn here... "Run along cupcake" Calypso signed aphrodite to pick out seats. He then turned his attention to Atticus, seeming all joyful //now why the hell is he happy about dying?// Calypso shook off the thought. "Aphrodite is my lucky charm, say i find it weird why you would make a funeral for yourself." Calypso said smirking. He swiftly trotted away towards Aphrodite before you can even say a word...

Aphrodite, looking up at Calypso "Why must i come? you know i dont like 'socialising' or however you seem to call it.." Calypso's smirk then turns into an upset frown "Hush, i rescued you from your old... barbary pride, the least you can do is come with me" Aphrodite, looking unsettled ignored his babbling and sat while the funeral continued on. After a bit, the funeral started to close down, Calypso and Aphrodite approached Atticus again. "Hey buddy, goodluck with your passing" Calypso said with the same smirk on his face. Aprodite, excited to go home, started to mumble "Bye.. it was nice to meet you." They turned around towards the exit.

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