Posted by ☕ RLC/DU/Hybrid Barked Heats|February 2025|OPEN

Renai ↻ (#21682)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-31 22:13:52

RLC/DU/Hybrid Heats

◆ 1. The lionesses won’t leave my den under any circumstances.

◆ 2. [!] ONLY barked heats, so you will need to provide 20 Yohimbe Barks, Instant Cub Delivery and Aging Stone * x (for the cubs you want to take, otherwise I will get rid of them) + Stud fee (my king is free btw)

◆ 3. ✔️ There are two options available for each lioness:
Full litter/heat option (you get every cub in the litter/all the cubs are yours) and
Split litter/heat option (You get 1st, 3rd pick; I get - 2nd, 4th pick, etc;)
details about split litter: when there are Hybrid/DU/Clone/Muties/etc in the litter, you always get 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th pick;
I get 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th pick)
How it's works?
Split litters would be first pick for the one who buys the litter.
In a litter of 4 cubs (for all intents and purposes) the heat buyer would be able to pick the cub they want most, and then the one selling the heat can pick a cub they want. Then the buyer will pick one of the remaining ones, leaving the seller with the last one.
For 3 cub litters, the buyer has rights to 2/3 of the cubs.
Full litters means the buyer has rights to the entire litter.
by Terrinthia (#97101)

[DU - full/split litter]
[Hybrids - full/split litter]
[RLC - full/split litter; only full heat option with old RLCs (9-14yrs)]
You must choose one of this options before breeding and cannot change after the cubs are born.

◆ 4. The regular breeding only with old RLC/DU/Hybrids (9-14 yrs). [✋The reverse breeding system will not be used]
Send me the items you want to use on the lioness and tell me which stud to send the request to.
It's important that stud is online when stud request is sent.

◆ 5. The reverse breeding system can be used if you choose full litter/heat option with young Hybrid/DU/RLC (2-8 yrs).

◆ 6. No extra fee for breeding items (Ochre Gnawrock, Crunchy Worm/etc), so have fun!

◆ 7. All payment must be sent before breeding.
[!🤝] Send me a message so we can negotiate. Until we agree, don't send any payment.

◆ 8. I deserve the right to cancel reservations for any lion.
You can cancel your reservation too, but let me know about it here.

I will be accepting requests after Tier Three opens [February: Flirt Shop (for RLCs/Hybrids) and Slap Shop (for DU)]
The exact date will be announced here.

Requests will be accepted (2025):
20th February (any day) until the first week of March
(RLCs: Pulsar, Rime, Sahara;
Hybrids: Outlaw Tigon, 2x Ros Leopon);

RLCs [2021-2024]


Hybrids [G4]

Required for barked heat:
Yohimbe Bark 20 Yohimbe Barks;
Aging Stone Aging Stone * x (cubs you want to keep);
Instant Cub Delivery1 Instant Cub Delivery;
Stud fee or ;
Black StallionFertility items
(Black Stallion/etc for FVL 30% and low)
Split heat
Required Grain Of ParadiseGrain of Paradise OR Buffalo ScrotumBuffalo Scrotum

Payment (items and currency):
- Gold Beetles
1000 Silver Beetles = 1 Gold Beetle

Yohimbe Bark Yohimbe Bark - 5
Buffalo Scrotum Buffalo Scrotum - 10
Lion Scrotum Lion Scrotum - 15
Crunchy WormCrunchy Worm - 20
Ochre GnawrockOchre Gnawrock - 30

Reservation form (not required to be filled out, but may help if needed)
1. RLC/Hybrid (Tigon/Leopon)/DU: whom and how many times;
2. Heat option: split or full litter/heat;
3. Stud: if any, then who;
4. Payment: in currency or items

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Edited on 23/12/24 @ 06:53:30 by Renai ↻ (#21682)

Cazzz (#247690)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-02-20 23:33:04
Hi! Could I be put down for a heat from candied yam I'd use my own king an pay in GB

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Renai ↻ (#21682)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-21 00:13:54

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Renai ↻ (#21682)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-01 05:34:05

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Edited on 20/12/24 @ 00:34:03 by Renai ↻ (#21682)

🧸’+ basil
[nudar freak] (#460720)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-12-21 23:55:05
Would love a split heat from the Pulsar RLC! Will be back when Feb T3 opens :)

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Edited on 22/12/24 @ 00:04:12 by ☕️’+ basil [715/1k] (#460720)

Renai ↻ (#21682)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-12-22 00:58:48
Okay! Noted

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