Posted by What's the meta anymore?

Razlapin (#74555)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 18:33:19
I've been gone for well over a year and have been wondering just how much things have changed? I've been playing for years on end and frankly coming back had me so confused and yet everything is seemingly... the same? But different. I feel like I have no gauge on rarity or prices or what's the cool new hip thing anymore and I feel ancient lmaoo

maybe I just need a crash course but maybe I'm still stuck in my old 2015 mindset lol

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πŸŽƒπŸ‚ leon (g1
full BO ukame) (#211229)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 18:41:48
Oof, I gotcha. I haven't taken a hiatus and I feel so lost sometimes since I hang out in my own lonely corner.

Breed-only traits have gotten really popular, as have raffle lionesses and their clones. People tend to really like their July BO bases but that's usual from what I know. Ra and jellyfish are popular right now. People go rabid for dwarfs but it's not a good investment at all since the market is trash and has been for years anyway LOL. Lion prices are pretty bad but I think that's been a thing for a while. People I see nowadays tend to be hardcore about clean lions but I also don't know how long that's been happening. I think it's gotten more intense recently.

Mostly I don't pay much attention and I do what makes me happy. I always liked BO stuff so that's what I do, and I don't care much about clean vs dirty since it stresses me out.

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