Posted by Mut/Stat Rep Heir Question
Korrine [G2 Ukame
Felis 8BO] (#238980)

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Posted on
2024-01-06 11:34:53
I have a question. I have been trying to learn about mut & stat repping. I have a 9 yr. old G2 1k stats Piebald male. I also have a 3 yr. old G4 Patches that I really would like as my king, but I would like him to be lower gen & want to keep his appearance & patches mut.

If I kinged the 9 yr. old G2 1k pie male & set the appearance of the 3 yr. old G4 Patches male, would that make him change his gen to G2 & have the 1k stats, but keep the patches mut & all of his appearance instead of the pie mut?

If I were to king my G4 Patches male, is there a way I could make him have a shorter gen?

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Edited on 06/01/24 @ 11:43:21 by Korrine [Clean G3 Primal] (#238980)

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-01-06 11:50:20
Mutation, heritage, stats, and age are all tied to a single lion - so you could have the appearance (markings, base, eyes) of your G4 patches and rep him with the G2 Piebald, but it will switch his mutation and heritage to be the Piebald's.

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⁑ SiRah (#159527)

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Posted on
2024-01-06 11:50:22
Hello! <3

Unfortunately, Mutation is lost when a King is rep'd.
The mutation, heritage, personality & stats will always be of the last rep you used.

Keeping a king's appearance refers to non-mut'd traits such as base, eye, skin, mane color&type, & all markings.
Decor [-1 use, back to hoard], mutation, etc. is wiped when he is rep'd.

So, to get your G4 patches' looks, you could either:

- King the G4 Patches, "Keep appearance of current male", & rep with a low-gen Patches. Requires either trading your G2 1k Stat Piebald for a low-gen Patches or getting a low-gen Patches?
- King the G4 patches, use a Safou Fruit on your G2 1k Stat male to remove his Piebald mutation (if you're attached to the G2's parent's/heritage). Then "Keep appearance" of your G4 patches & rep with the low-gen Statter- then apply a Patches MoD to your new G2 heritage king. Not recommended; if you can afford to use a MoD:Patches it would be better to use a G1 Groupie male <3
let me know if you need more options

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