Posted by empty cave slot thumbnail
bones (#408275)

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Posted on
2024-01-09 16:13:45
hi, im trying to change the thumbnail image for the "empty cave slot" element in my den, but i've no idea where to put the image link so it will be in the correct place. for the images for each of my occupied caves and pregnant/unsorted/overview i use

a[href$="CAVEID"]>div.cave-grid>img {
content: url('imageurlhere') !important

but since the empty cave doesnt have an id or page to go to i dont know what to put in that "CAVEID" part above where i've put it for everything else. if i put it as "create-cave.php" the image changes successfully but only on my end from my own account, you cant see it from another profile. anyone know what i can do?

right now the image defaults to the same one as my pregnant lioness' den if thats important.

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➵ stella (#185560)

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Posted on
2024-01-10 00:29:10
Hi! Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, there is no way to solve this issue other than just creating the cave so that it has an ID. I ran into this issue too a while back & found no way to fix it, so I just ended up building the cave

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