Posted by Pride Roleplay (PRIV)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 17:19:08
this is a private roleplay for the following people:

˚₊‧꒰აWings໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ( 436530 )
Bluewhite ( 211894 )
FancyFork ( 427147 )

(and me too!)
If you'd like to join DM Blue or Wings or Me!

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Edited on 22/02/24 @ 09:17:26 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 16:35:02
i've also enjoyed this roleplay! and thanks! i do lots of roleplays, all the time. i believe im in four active ones? maybe five. anyway yea, corvidpride usually has a lot of fights between higher and lower ranks. its kind of like a wolf pack. lowest rank gets bullied and punished ))


Pain shoots up her body as the ferus lashes at her flank. Fury and adrenaline mix together. She spots an unprotected target, and aims. Her head bashes into the ferus's soft belly, and her teeth make purchase. Blood trickles into her mouth as she breaks the skin. She can feel her flank, warm with blood. Capella roars in pain, and smacks the adolescent. Sayha releases, and bares her bloody teeth. The ferus spits in fury, her fur bristled with pure hostility.

She stands to her paws, and her ears twitch as she can hear blood dripping down onto the dry earth. Capella's lips curl in a hiss. The whole pride has been watching now, their ears perked and eyes wide. The Queen watches from her carcass and stands to her paws. Nzuri pads over, her pawsteps seeming to ring in Sayha's ears. The pride parts a way for the Queen to walk through. The rosetted felis walks calmly over to Capella and Sayha. She looks at the ferus, a glint of disappointment in her eyes. Sayha can see the ferus almost shrinking in her fur with embarrassment. Nzuri turns to Sayha. She picks up Sayha's chin as the adolescent tries to avoid the Queen's threatening gaze. "Look into my eyes." the Queen whispers, fury lacing her voice.

Sayha hesitantly looks into the Queen's eyes. Nzuri releases her chin abruptly, and smacks Sayha in the face. The pride gasps. The adolescent continues staring into the Queen's eyes. She mustn't show her pain nor fear. She can now feel the slight trickle of blood on her face. The felis had smacked her with claws unsheathed. The sting of the wounds hurt. "You impress me." the Queen murmurs. The rosetted felis leans in, "I only did that because I have too. Don't take it personally." she whispers in the adolescent's ear. Nzuri backs up and her beautiful eyes glint with pity. Sayha notices there's gentleness in her eyes. The Queen turns to Capella, and mutters something in her ear. Nzuri looks away, not wasting a second on the ferus. "Malika! Please tend to these two." she walks away, back to her carcass. Sayha's gaze turns to an achromatic lioness. The lioness walks over, worry in her eyes.

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꒱ ‧₊˚ (#436530)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 16:56:09
Oh wow cool! I honestly love the dynamics in your pride and how it works))

Aleafy, OceansSorrow's & HeartStrong

Once Dancer turns and leaves as well, only the three males are left.
Aleafy smiles down to the young adolescent "I'm very proud of how you handled that, you will truly make a wise king one day"
OceansSorrow's chest swells with pride, standing a few inches taller at the approval from the king himself. Even HeartStrong seemed happy with what the Prince had suggested (And he rarely agrees with anyone).

The den grows quiet, darker as the sun starts to descend in the sky, shadows growing longer across the floors. With a nod to the king HeartStrong turns, leaving to the entrance but he pauses. It seemed as if he wanted to say something, but he decides against it, the darkness outside swallowing him when the leaves at the entrance close once more past his body.
OceansSorrows looks to Aleafy as his head raises, long mane flowing at his sides. "Go rest now, we should talk again tomorrow, just us and HeartStrong"
"Yes your Majesty" The young lion dips his head respectfully before leaving the den.
The cold air hits him like a wall outside, a sharp contrast to the warm den and he gives a small shiver. Spotting HeartStrong ahead he races over, large paws thumping against the earth. "HeartStrong!"
The Guard pauses in his tracks, looking back to the adolescent. "Ocean" He greets him back, earning a small from the little Lion.
"You know, Aleafy has always been against having warriors within the pride.."
"Because of his stupid beliefs against violence? Yeah I know. He's an idiot" The grey and pink lion rolls his eyes with a curl of his lip. OceansSorrows stays quiet at this.
HeartStrong and Aleafy often clashed, their views of protection were the complete opposite, OceansSorrow's found himself somewhere in the middle. There were times for peace, ad it sould be the first option, but fighting is a part of life out here and you should be prepared for it.
"About that..." He says quietly, causing HeartStrong to raise his head and look at him. "I want you to put together some strong fighters. We should have been prepared for occasions like this months ago. it is stupid to not have warriors and leave ourselves exposed and vulnerable like this"
The Guard seems surprised by the Princes words, eyebrows raising for a mere moment. "Alright" He replies, his tail giving a wave. "I'll gather our strongest fighters tomorrow and train them, then at least we'll have some resistance"

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 18:39:58

The achromatic lioness examined her wounds. "You are a brave one I'll say." Malika told her gently. Sayha smiled halfheartedly. The white lioness pointed towards a cave in the higher canyon. "Go up there, and lay in a nest. I'll get you some herbs and bandages after I've examined Capella." her voice was gentle and motherly. Sayha nodded and and turned. She glanced over her shoulder, and Capella stared right back. The hostility in the ferus's eyes was terrifying. Great... New enemy, and she's a much higher rank. she walked towards the paths in the canyon. The bleeding on her flank had stopped almost completely, but the wound on her face still bled. Very lightly though. She prayed to the crows that the Queen would let her stay home, and not go to the battle. But she knew that was very unlikely. Everyone took part in the fighting, and capturing. Prisoners weren't used to bribe.

They were used for sacrifice.


The rosetted felis watched Malika as she ate. Her gaze followed Sayha as she trekked up the canyon's trails. She sat up, licking her lips from the blood. Her belly full, and pride content, it was time for sleep. Nzuri yawned, and walked towards her cave. A cub darted in front of her, and began questioning her. "Why do we have to fight? Why do we eat buffalo? Why does the sun rise every morning? Why does my mommy have to leave me in the morning?" The cub went on.. and on.. and on. The felis huffed in frustration. She nudged the cub gently. "You should be off to bed, you know what happens to cubs in the morning." she murmured, stifling a yawn. "What happens?" the cub asked, its tail straight up in the air. "They don't get breakfast." she said calmly, fighting the urge to just shoo the cub away. The cub's eyes widened, and it scampered off quickly. Nzuri huffed, and continued to walk back to her cave, hidden by a rock shelf.

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꒱ ‧₊˚ (#436530)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 15:37:47
OceansSorrows & HeartStrong

OceansSorrow's seems happy with this. "Good idea, but.. Maybe don't make this too obvious. Aleafy will be against what you're doing, even if he knows I suggested it"
The Guard smiles and nudges him with his shoulder "Alright then your Majesty." Every word that came out his mouth was soft, gentle, almost like a mother taking to her cub. Everyone in the pride knew that HeartStrong had a soft spot for the little piebald Prince. Rumors often floated around about why this angry and fighting prone male was so gentle with him. Many assumed it was because he was sucking up to the next heir since OceansSorrows thought with more open mindedness towards fighting, others believed it was because the Guard had raised him and over time and that the happy and playful cub, with eyes so bright to the wonders of the world around him, had rubbed off some of that gentleness into the large male.
Regardless of what the reason was, HeartStrong never talked about it or even admitted to liking OceansSorrows.
"I'm gonna go sleep then, Night HeartStrong!" He bumps his scruffy head under the larger males chin, tuffs of his pink growing in mane ruffling in all directions. With a fond huff the Guard shoves him away with his paw, a flicker of a smile crossing his face, so quickly that if you blinked you'd have missed it. "Goodnight you ugly ducking"
OceansSorrows rumbles happily at the familiar nickname. It wasn't an insult to him since he knew the meaning behind it. His paws were quite a bit larger then usual and with the mix of his lean legs they looked almost like that of a bird. Nevermind the fact he was going through that awkward stage of a lions life when... things.. change. He wasn't the prettiest right now, that's for sure.
With a final wave of his tail he trots off towards his den to sleep, on his way he sees Dark Tigress chatting calmly with the other lionesses as they walk to the entrance of camp. Cubs of all ages, sizes and looks follow behind her, chirping excitedly at the idea of an adventure, Many of the cubs bouncing around the long legs of FloweringRiver, weaving between them like snakes through grass. They almost tripped him a few times but the large lion simply would chuckle fondly at them before growling playfully and chasing them a few paces as they squealed with excitement. The group were in high spirits, which was good. (That wouldn't last for long though, OceansSorrows could already imagine the tired complaints of sore paws and "I can't go any furtherrrr" after they had been walking for a quarter hour).
Giving a yawn he carries on his way, A lot was going to happen tomorrow, he needed all the sleep he could get.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-03 12:31:14
quick time skip to dawn
also, sorry i haven't replied, i saw your reply and it flew over my head that i havent replied back! ))


A crow flutters down from its cliffside nest, into the Queen's cave. It's black feathers glisten in the moonlight. It flies over to Nzuri, flapping its wings as it lowers itself. It lands quietly on the cave floor, and lets out a soft croak. It pokes the felis gently, trying to wake her. The felis stirs, raising her head sleepily. The crow tilts its head, and clacks its beak before it flies out. Nzuri splits her jaws in a wide yawn, her large teeth glistening in the dim light. She rises to her paws, shaking out her fur, and quickly grooming herself.

The Queen finishes her groom, and looks up. Her bright eyes look outside, dawn is approaching. She pads towards the den entrance, her paws silent on the cave floor. The rosetted felis takes a step out of her cave, nodding to the crows. They immediately disperse, fluttering into the many caves and dens in the canyon walls. Nzuri walks down the trail, into the main camp. She pads over to the tree in the center, and sits on her haunches, waiting. Soon the pride awakes, padding down the canyon trail as crows emerge from the caves, perching on the cliff sides or the tree.

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꒱ ‧₊˚ (#436530)

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Posted on
2024-02-04 23:07:26
No problem! I've done the same . Btw I was thinking! do you want to kill Aleafy during the war?))


The sun rises over the plains, dew shimmering on the grass. Birds start their morning gossip, the sounds soon awaking a few of the lionesses. It was another beautiful day, although it was early, the air was already growing warmer from the suns rays.
The leaves at the entrance of Aleafy's den rustles as his body moves through them, exiting the warmth within. He had barely slept that night, his fur was in tatters, not having groomed yet. A few of The Lionesses look over when he emerges, one or two of them calling a greeting while the majority stays silent with hunger and annoyance.
A beautiful gray and white piebald with stunning blue eyes walks towards him, despite the tension in the air she carried a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. "Aleafy, you look so tired" She observes, giving his mane a few licks to try neaten in and he gives a small exhausted huff in response.
He didn't want to burden the lioness, but LoveBug was so easy to open up to, and before he knew it he was spilling everything to her. "I have quite a bit on my mind, today is going to be very busy"
"You're doing your very best.. everyone knows that, please don't push yourself too hard"
"There's a new threat that's arisen.. we're possibly under attack soon. but please, I don't want anyone knowing just yet, the last thing we want is a panic"
The lionesses eyes widen at the words. "Attack? But who would want to attack us?"
"Another pride, they didn't like the idea of joining together very much"
"Well that's a little rude" Her ears lay back, disappointment in her eyes. "But that's okay, I'm sure we can talk to them, no one attacks without reason" She smiles, a warmth filling the air.
Aleafy finds her smile and optimism contagious and he smiles back. "You're right.. thank you my friend" He gives her a lick on the head and she purrs, rubbing her side against him before leaving to go look for her son.

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꒱ ‧₊˚ (#436530)

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Posted on
2024-02-16 16:18:10
roleplays dead? ))

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 09:38:52
nah, its alright, i will bad for the old guy haha
i kept seeing the forum notif for this rp but always forgot to press on it lmao ))


The pride slowly gathers up around their Queen. They patiently wait for instruction. "Everyone, we will attack today, and take over the plentiful hunting grounds of our neighboring pride." the Queen roared, her beautiful piebald fur shining in the first morning rays. "There will be no more dehydration nor hunger in my pride." she stands up, looking over the lionesses, who listened with hope in their eyes. "Our cubs will grow up, strong and healthy, with no worries of when they will have their chance at a drink of water."

The pride roars in agreement, and the crows join in with the roars. Nzuri raises a paw for silence. The pride and crows instantly go silent. "As you know, I will be leading, with only the crows. I will go into their camp from the North. I will give a signal when to attack." she pauses, thinking. "The signal will be a quick huff." she nods, "It will be a quiet signal, and the rival pride will have no chance of preparing."

"Matsidi will lead half of the pride from the West, and Reba will lead the other half from the East." Nzuri informed the pride, who seemed to agree and nod. Reba sat up straighter, proud of herself.

"Pride dismissed. We leave now." she stood up, and the crows instantly took flight. The pride parted to make way for their Queen, dipping their heads in respect as she walked past. Matsidi and Reba gathered up their lionesses, and followed Nzuri.

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꒱ ‧₊˚ (#436530)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 16:05:46
all good! I'll think of another way to kill him then ))


The adolescent pushed his way out of his den, swiftly being greeted by his mother. Most cubs may find it annoying, but the warm lick to the top of his head gave him a deep happiness. "Morning mum" He says, trying to somewhat ruffle up his scrap of growing mane that his mother had flattened with her lick.
"Good morning my boy, can we walk quickly?" She asked, concern in her blue eyes.
The prince felt a little worry, usually his mother was the joy of the pride, always bring a smile to others no matter what was going on. Now she stood before him with her paws close together and ears less perked then usual.
With slow paw steps the two walk out of camp side by side. "What's concerning you?" He asks softly, causing LoveBug to smile, although it didn't reach her eyes.
"The king seems very worried about something, he mentioned an attack.. and.. I was wondering if you knew what it was about"
"I.. well.." He halters for a moment, OceansSorrows wasn't sure if he could or even should share the finer details of what was happening. Even with his own kin.
His eyes turn to look up at his mothers concerned face and he looks away again, ears laying back. "I do yes, I don't know if I can talk about it though." His tail waves along the ground as he turns his body to face her. "All you need to know is that everything is handled! Promise" He rubs his head up under her chin, smiling as he purrs deeply in his throat.
LoveBug seems to relax ever so slightly. "I guess I'm just worried about you.. You're the Prince and if anything happens.." She looks down sadly at him, knowing how much danger he would be in.
"Mum, really it's fine, you don't have to worry" He waves a paw, trying to play everything off and calm the lionesses nerves. "There won't even be a fight, I'm sure of it" Deciding to change the topic he starts walking back towards camp. "Is sis up? She promised to take me down to the waterhole today, it's as hot as a heated rock out here"

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꒱ ‧₊˚ (#436530)

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Posted on
2024-12-13 00:51:07
(Leaving this RP)

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