Posted by Trading Centre and Lions

๐–‘ โ˜ฎ (#265524)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-20 15:59:36
Hey peoples! So I'm very confused and curious, In the Trading Centre when you browse for any type of Lion the name of the trades mention stuff like; "G8, G3 Fodders, CRB, Dirty, Clean" and way more can someone explain these or some of them because I just can't figure it out and too lazy to..

Ps: If you know other things I didn't mention please mention, Id love to hear it!

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17BO 8ros (#415425)

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Posted on
2024-01-20 16:07:21
G8 (or any number) represents the generation of the lion (which you can also view in the heritage)

Fodders are cubs that are often considered โ€˜uglyโ€™ and people may kill them for karma

CRB stands for lionesses that have a cotton root bark attached (meaning thereโ€™s a slightly higher chance to breed a mutie)

Dirty lions have inbreeding somewhere in their lineage whereas clean lions do not.

Hope this helps! If you have any more queries please let me know :)

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-01-20 17:57:05
Hi! I might be able to help.

G8 stands for generation 8 in this case, and it's how far back the lion's heritage goes. Generally, people seek lower gen lions, though other people enjoy long heritages. A lower generation lion is usually more valuable.

Inbreeding is the mating of close relatives. Like if you breed a king to his daughter. Mother and son, father and granddaughter, etc.. Lioden has a notice in the lion's heritage if it might be inbred.

Inbreeding doesn't really do anything as far as game functions. No benefits like higher mutie chance. Usually inbred lions aren't as valued.

I personally inbreed for my projects and because I'm lazy. I don't usually have the energy to find studs for my lions, so I just keep breeding them to my king. I don't really care. It's also helpful for breeding projects to speed up trait acquisition. Breeding lions of the same traits means the cubs tend to have a better chance of getting those traits. It's like IRL line breeding. Which is still inbreeding lol. But.

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๐–‘ โ˜ฎ (#265524)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-20 16:17:06
This is more than helpful thanks!

Although can you evaluate more?
Regarding the G8,G2 ect.. do higher numbers mean rarer lions or low value

And dirty lions, what's inbreeding? like for example breeding a Random lioness then breeding with the cub of that lioness later on? and what does inbreeding do? Why do people do so?

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๐–‘ โ˜ฎ (#265524)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-21 02:38:08
So for example If my king has primal and I breed with a primal lionesses' daughter there's no higher chance to breed a primal?

Do I have to breed my primal king to a lion which is not a close relative?

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โšœ๏ธ Zuri โšœ๏ธ (#247464)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-23 02:48:29
In addition to the responses you got hereโ€™s a forum on game slang too. Which may come in handy

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๐–‘ โ˜ฎ (#265524)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-23 07:55:08
Thanks, appreciate it!

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