Buying Heart Shells NOT OPEN
I am buying Heart Shells!
I am doing reserves at a 5 HS > 1 GB (30 HS = 6 GB) rate. I will only allow you to reserve items if there is AT LEAST 30HS of worth.
You will send over the HS via trade (I tell you what items to buy) when Tier 3 of the Flirt Shop opens in return for the item(s) you chose!
Lions, Items and Applicators for Offer
Prices are calculated using branches. Calculated using the average lowest price!
[1x] Applicator: Neutron Markings - 5 HS
[4x] Astral Fire (Base App) - 20 HS
[7x] Augur Prophecy (Base App) - 15 HS
[1x] Blue Poinsettia Scent (Base App) - 30 HS
[4x] Curse of Divine (Base App) - 10 HS
[1x] Dust: Kunzite (Base App) - 30 HS
[1x] Dust: Rhodonite (Base App) - 60 HS
[1x] Dust: Rough Ruby (Base App) - 50 HS
[1x] Frostbitten Paws (Marking App) - 30 HS
[1x] Grace of Anubis (Base App) - 75 HS
[3x] Gregarious Form (Base App) - 15 HS
[8x] Harbinger Body (Base App) - 20 HS
[3x] Heavenly Serenity (Base App) - 15 HS
[1x] Hibiscus Nectar (Marking App) - 100 HS
[1x] Hot Cocoa (Marking App) - 15 HS
[1x] Jacana Markings - 10 HS
[1x] Murex Markings: Mesh- 50 HS
[1x] Nacre Lining (Base App) - 30 HS
[2x] Phantom Body (Base App) - 10 HS
[1x] Protea Nectar (Marking App)- 15 HS
[1x] Scent of Fuchsia (Base App) - 60 HS
[1x] Seer Divination (Base App) - 10 HS
[15x] Shard Body (Base App) - 10 HS
[1x] Sparkly Gilded Applicator (Marking)- 150 HS
[1x] Sunrise Markings - 15 HS
[1x] Sunset Markings - 10 HS
[1x] Sweet Sweet Marula (Base App) - 150 HS
[1x] Touch of Demiurge (Base App) - 10 HS
[1x] Trained Haruspex (Base App) - 25 HS
[1x] Triumphant (Base App) - 25 HS
[1x] Unholy Body - 60 HS
[1x] Uplifted Splendor Markings - 50 HS
[2x] Victor's Secret - 15 HS
[9x] Crunchy Worm - 200 HS
[1x] GMO Cow - 180 HS
[93x] Lucky Foot - 2 HS
[10x] Roasted Lamb - 40 HS
May trade for HS (offer)
13bo, g2, fulvous base
Decor/Backgrounds/Crafting for Offer
Receipts of Selling and Loans
#156487 - [9x] Crunchy Worm - 1800 HS - 2.4.24
#421733 - [1x] Angelic Sphinx, Grace of Anubis, Jacana markings - 95 HS - 2.4.24
#386661 - [93x] Lucky Foot - 186 HS - 2.4.24
What to Buy
#156487 - [59x] Yohimbe Bark, [5x] Dry Palm Leaf, [1x] Spiked Collar
#421733 - [3x] Yohimbe Bark, [2x Dry Palm Leaf]
#386661 - [6x] Yohimbe Bark, [1x Dry Palm Leaf, 1x Lovebird Plumage]
Completed Deals
#156487 - [9x] Crunchy Worm > [59x] Yohimbe Bark, [5x] Dry Palm Leaf, [1x] Spiked Collar 2.18.24
#421733 - [1x] Angelic Sphinx, Grace of Anubis, Jacana markings > [3x] Yohimbe Bark, [2x Dry Palm Leaf] 2.18.24
#386661 - [93x] Lucky Foot > #386661 - [6x] Yohimbe Bark, [1x Dry Palm Leaf, 1x Lovebird Plumage] 2.18.24 Trading Goodies for HS! 30 HS = 6 GB. Even selling BO bomb heirs!
(Also, if this all is too hard to read, please tell me and I will change the formatting!)
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