Posted by Increase Submit Score to 3 for Serengeti Shuffle

Java (Poops &
Gifts Welcome!!) (#457031)

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Posted on
2024-02-03 10:53:30
This game is so fun, but why can we only send our score once a day? I (and I’m sure many others) would play it so much more if I didn’t just get one reward for one game per day. I think 3 sent scores sounds fair. Not enough to abuse the rewards, but enough to increase gameplay. I think Reptile Roundup would benefit from this also.

This suggestion has 1 support and 16 NO supports.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-02-03 10:55:54
The items from those games would devalue x3 times if this was made. No support!

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Java (Poops &
Gifts Welcome!!) (#457031)

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Posted on
2024-02-03 11:02:08
Then decrease the frequency those exclusive prizes are given out at and/or include other items as prizes? Personally, most prizes I’ve gotten have been assorted amounts of SB or a random decor piece (that I now have incredible amounts of duplicates of). Small skulls or herbs come to mind as a “normal” prize.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-02-03 11:04:59
You dont have to send your score if its low, keep playing until you reach a higher score for better prizes. I re-play a few times before Im satisfied with my score enough to press Send It, you dont have to send the first score you get. That's a good reason to replay the game a few times, no? To get a better prize, rather than some SB or a skull.
I personally get the top tier score every day and get one of the best prizes each time. If the amount was raised to 3 per day, I would still win top tier each time, raising it from 7 decors/items a week, to 21 items a week - in just one game. The items value will drop dramatically.

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Edited on 03/02/24 @ 11:08:31 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Lavy (#323535)

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Posted on
2024-02-03 11:14:08
No support. The high tier rewards (which are very easy to get) would be too abundant (things such as black stallions and honeycomb)

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