Posted by Why is account sharing bad?

Mikhail (#464069)

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Posted on
2024-02-10 18:28:34
My husband and I both play Lioden, and I get really sick sometimes due to my disability. Would I get banned if I ask him to log in for me to feed my lions? I understand the having multiple accounts thing making the game unfair, but we only have two accounts. I don't understand how that would affect anyone but ourselves. Is account sharing really that bad?

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⚜️ Zuri ⚜️ (#247464)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-10 18:55:06
Hey! Account sharing is obviously against the rules which you are aware of, the reason to it is because if something goes wrong in your account, such as a WHOLE load of things, scamming, lying, bullying whatever it may be. YOU are held responsible. Where as if accounts are shared anyone can VERY easily pull the “oh my younger brother was playing” which ultimately gives an excuse as to why it was not your fault.

And I agree with snowmew it DOES ultimately give you a somewhat advantage than you would currently have. Such as you are at work for 8 hours so you cannot play. But your husband may work at night so he can play in those 8 hours for you (this is not directed to you just a very vague example)

And yes you would get banned. As anyone who even ACCIDENTALLY lets someone play will suffer consequences for it. It’s strange when you first think of it but the more you dig deeper the more you build a understanding on why it is banned

Hope this helps! Reach out to me if you have any questions

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snowmew [G1 14BO
Abyssinian] (#63212)

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Posted on
2024-02-10 18:46:46
because it is against the rules.

think of it as the same as if you got another person to help you with your exam. it is dishonest and poses the same issues of if someone had more than two accounts, giving an unfair advantage. an example of this could be your partner logging in for you while you are asleep to grind event currency, and vice versa.
if you are sick, don't log in for the day. hunger only deteriorates if you are logging in and .not feeding lions.

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Edited on 10/02/24 @ 19:26:58 by snowmew [G1 14BO Abyssinian] (#63212)

Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 04:41:46
Tbh I think its more a case of... Better to ban it in its entirety, because otherwise you end up with people who try to game the system. I think in an optimal world, no one would begrudge you asking your husband to feed your lions when you are sick, but they have to ban it for everyone to make sure there's no leeway/loophole for scammers etc to use. Allowing it for some people and not for others just muddles things and makes it hard to moderate/enforce.
Basically, even though you personally aren't using it unethically, some other people would so that's why it has to be a hard No for everyone.

Makes me wonder if there should be an official options for "cat sitters" though lmao. I can get one for my IRL cat when I go on vacation, but not my lions 😂

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🍖 Miti 🥩 (#420382)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2024-02-10 18:33:59
I was actually curious about this too. I'm not saying there's no reason why but I do find it odd. Marking this to see the answers.

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Edited on 10/02/24 @ 18:34:10 by 🍖 Miti/Drewble 🥩 (#420382)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 04:48:38
Kalech, Id guess the cat sitters case is not much different, you can find one that will genuinely care for your cat or you can run into one that will beat your cat and starve it... but while in real life you can sue the person if they abuse your cat, how can you sue someone for abusing/misusing a pixel lion? The Moderators would have to solve that, solve all issues that arise when sharing accounts, and there's a lot of difficulties trying to determine what actually happened, as on the internet, proof of doing things is often nonexistant. How would one proove it was their little sister and not them at the moment if the account was found scamming someone? That's why its better to ban the entire practice. Its too complex to solve issues coming up with it.

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Edited on 14/02/24 @ 04:49:46 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 04:52:21
Oh sorry to clarify Mad Hyena, I wasn't suggesting account sharing should be allowed to be used for "cat sitting". :) It was just a random comment that maybe an actual feature should exist for it. Like, being able to designate another player as "cat sitter" for 2 days, and during those 2 days they have a button to feed your lions (using your food), but only if you dont log in or something like that. It was mostly just a joke tbh

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 04:54:56
And that feature can be abused to selectively age specific lions while keeping others frozen. There's a reason why its not allowed; your lions wont run nor age if you cant login for a few days, they only age/get hungry when you come online and press Rollover. You can be gone for a year and your lions will only age 1 day when you come back, there's no NEED to add a "cat sitter". The only things lion sitting will do is abuse the rolling over/aging limits.

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Edited on 14/02/24 @ 04:55:26 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 05:12:48
I know, I know. Like I said, it was mostly just meant to be a funny comment. But even if I would suggest it for real, I don't mean you should get access to their account. I meant as in... You can feed their lions through your account. 0 control over their lions or their account, just a button that says "Feed X's Pride (2 days remaining)" or whatever. But yes, it wasn't a serious suggestion, I don't support account sharing nor was I planning to do any myself. It really was just meant to be a humorous comment 😂Sorry for the confusion!

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 05:20:53
It definitely isnt a feasible suggestion, for sure. To begin with, a lion needs to be hungry to be fed, and lions only get hungry when they live through a Rollover. If the person does not come and press Rollover, they will forever sit at 100% fully fed until next time they press Rollover. So the "lion sitting" feature would require somebody else getting access to rolling over someone else's account, for which I see a ton of ways to abuse it, the same as account sharing - there's just too many issues to consider it.

All further adds to the reasoning why account sharing isnt allowed. There's too many ways other people can abuse your account if they are allowed to login into it, OR if there's a catsitting system of someone else rolling over your account for you. Not worth the trouble.

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Mikhail (#464069)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 12:47:06
I really do love the idea of being allowed too feed other people's lions, not necessarily while they are away, but like after a rollover. I see so many people's prides whose lions are gonna leave if they don't get fed/played with and I just wanna help haha. That would be a seriously cool feature! Like the egg ninjas in ovipets!

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 12:59:50
This would be a feature that people would abuse.

If it was non-optional - some people keep their lions hungry on purpose, so they can give them stat giving food later. You could ruin someone's plans if you go and feed them, stripping them of chance to feed their lions egg yolks etc. Its not your lions, so you shouldnt worry about them without knowing what plans user has for them. Maybe they want them to be hungry. There's suggestion with many supports to opt out auto-refill when returning after a while of absence. Some people WANT the hunger on their lions to grow.

And even if it was optional - people would still massively start begging other people to feed their lions. There's already newbies who ask for free food, even though its not allowed per rules to ask for free stuff. People would be begging even more for other people to feed their lions if it becomes an automated feature.

There's already a feature to play with clanmate's lions and I must say, its not very popular nor widely used.

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Mikhail (#464069)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 13:05:05
I had no idea about the stat feeding. I have only been playing a week so thought feeding was just a necessary evil. My bad

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