Posted by Inconsistent applicator names.

Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 07:52:48
Is anyone else as frustrated as me with how inconsistent applicator names are?

They switch between naming formats like "Type Applicator: Name" to "Applicator: Colour Marking" (with the latter one not telling you at all what markings it even offers) and some use "Colour Markings" or "Markings Colour" and then others have names like "Taste of Merlot" or "Rosy Cheeks" with no distinction between what's a base app or marking app at a glance beyond the icons.

I get this is an old game and its not something that's likely to change, esp with new apps following the "Unsearchable random phrase" naming scheme, but its probably my biggest pet peeve.

I wish that I could type in "Base/Marking/Mane/Eye Applicator" into TC/BS and the dropdown would suggest all appropriate apps. It's not even that a lot of apps aren't labeled at all that bugs me, it's that some are and some aren't. Some have Applicator or Marking in their names, some are named a random phrase that tells you nothing at all, some markings come from a Colour app and some come from a Marking app.

Probably makes sense to you oldtimers but as a relatively new player, it's hell trying to figure out what name app I need sometimes.
Also ngl I wish I could just search Branch Sales for any base app, just to see if there's any cheap ones to spruce up a lioness when you don't have a specific one in mind.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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2024-02-14 08:15:34
I definitely agree. If I forget what the hell the Ivory base app is called (One with the Giants) and want to look for it in my hoard, I basically have to look through my entire list of applicators manually. Frustrating.

There are only 4 applicators that have the actual word "Base" in them to allow for easy base app searching:
Citron Base
Decennial Base
Murex Base: Haliotis
Reindeer Base

There are also 23 apps named "___ Body", like Ethereal, Phantom, Wicked, etc. At least these are easily searchable.

I will say that they are rather boring applicator names compared to "One with the Giants" or "Grace of Anubis"... but as someone who mainly cares to invest in base applicators right now, I really want to be able to find them easily in my hoard.

Hell, on the topic of the "____ of Anubis/Bast/Seth" - I'd LOVE some indicator of which base that app actually applies, because I really have a hard time remembering which base comes from which app apart from the original trio - Royal Coat, which is simply a base with each respective deity's name. At this point we have 6 of each. 18 applicators, and 15 of them require you to either remember each base from each app, or look it up on the wiki.

Another minor pet peeve is that "Taste of Cotton Candy" and "Taste of Merlot" are base apps, yet "Taste of Peach" is a marking app

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Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 08:39:29
Tbh I would rather have boring names at this point, if it made searching easier. Or maybe if it was something like Base Applicator: Grace of Anubis, at least it would show if you searched for Base Applicator.

We already have to keep track of markings that are the same colour, but come from separate apps. Like, that if you want a Colour A feline you have to get the Colour A feline app, not the Colour A marking app.

But then only some of them are named that, and in other cases you might need to search for "Autumn Mist" to find the app you want, except there's no knowing up front wth to search for πŸ˜‚ And then on top of that you have markings themselves being inconsistent, with some being named like... With the colour first, like Onyx Points. And then some have the marking name first, like Leg Banding Onyx, even though its the same colour. And the wardrobe not even telling you that its showing you things you can't apply manually, or giving you the option to select apps only. πŸ˜‚

Ngl as a newbie it was pretty offputting, everytime I want to do up a lion it feels like I need to do a wiki research session.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 08:56:37
Once you get used to it it's a lot more tolerable, I guess, but the annoyance of it all always sits at the back of my mind lol!

There was a suggestion I saw a while back, though I don't have the link handy, to standardize/categorize each app in the name to easily search whether it's a base/marking/eye app as well as the color it applies. I remember the votes being pretty polarized, since the length of the names would get pretty long - and it's already rather difficult to see some full app names in hoard as it is ^^ "Base: One with the Giants (Ivory)" would be pretty long!

For what it's worth, I'd love if they'd overhaul every app name into its own unique one... with "Base: ___" tacked on. Something like just "Reindeer Base" is so lame on its own, especially considering the rest of the December apps.

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Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 09:18:50
I think keeping the long/elaborate names and adding a label is a bit of a "keep your cake and eat it too" situation. Personally my suggestion would be to scrap the elaborate names in favor of clear labels, because to me that's a fair trade. I would rather have Base Applicator: Ivory instead of Base Applicator: One with the Giants (Ivory).

Of course, that's just my own preference. Because I find that I spend pretty much 0 time oohing and aahing over a neat name on an app, but plenty of time frustrated over badly named ones. πŸ˜‚ But even if they picked (to me) a "bad" naming scheme, at least if all apps were named consistently that would still be less confusing.

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Romana (#14743)

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Posted on
2024-02-14 19:53:06
I wasted 10 GB on a Spicy Ice (or whatever the mane applicator is) when I wanted the Icy Spice (the ice base applicator) so, yeah, I agree with standardizing the names for bases/mane/marking apps

Even those with the poetic names can be labeled as Taste of Merlot (Base Applicator). As long as the app actually has the color/type of app in the name so it's searchable and easily verifiable, I'm down with it.

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