Posted by Urgent heir advice needed!!!

surrelian [main | BO
Haze] (#103352)

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Posted on
2024-02-20 18:01:20
Urgent because my king on this account literally dies tomorrow

Okay so, I bred my year and half long project lion last November and have been RMRing them ever since. I was initially planning on just replacing the king I have on this account buuut I am a bit attached. However, I've also had her for almost 2 years so maybe its time for a refresh

My main dilemma is, do I replace the king I poured a couple thousand gb into (and have had for ages) or do I just replace the king on my side account who I care less about? I would love for my main account to have a new face, but im just no so sure now. I am planning on trying to RMA another rosette on her so that would help a bit I think.

Additional info: I want both of my kings to be 100% BO. And right now, both are not. I was recently going to replace my side account's king with a different lion but I put that on hold for now. Which is another part of the problem

My heir for reference (Needs more work and opacity changes, she's cute under all that I promise lol), my current king, and side king.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-02-20 18:42:00
Your kings and heir are all so cool! Admittedly the non-BO skin would bother me on either of them haha. Personally, I would feel bothered at having 2 similar kings on both accounts, but that's mostly because I have a soft spot for colorbombs and need an outlet x) But if that's something you wouldn't mind (or might enjoy) I'd say replace the side queen. I'm a bit more fond of the rosettes on your main!

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surrelian [main | BO
Haze] (#103352)

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Posted on
2024-02-20 20:49:37
Thank you! But yeah the non-Bo skin and mane color KILLS me. The similarities that they would have would def bother be long term too…and I’m willing to put in the time to RMA an extra rosette. Hmm I think I’ll just go with the initial plan then, thank you for the advice!

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