Posted by Mutations and Whatnot
Lykolo (#251662)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 01:42:02
Can this be considered a "breeding project"? I'm not entirely sure, honestly, but I'm putting this out here:

It's been a dream of mine to have pretty, mutated lionesses in my pride for my king to flaunt around (and for me to admire as well).

And I'm glad to say that I'm getting there!

I have these three older girls (that can still breed):

This young gal:

And this cub as far as mutations go!:

I had a clawless as my first mutated girl who has long since passed.

But you may be saying to yourself, "Nice but... they aren't exactly the prettiest" (or maybe not, I can't read your minds through a screen), and to that I say: I agree! These also aren't the most popular or sought after in terms of mutations, but I'm okay with that (for now, at least)!

Here are some girls I personally find particularly pretty:

(Huh. Looks like many of the other ones I chased off for being too old to breed... that sucks.)

You all are more than welcome to come visit my pride and take a look at the other lionesses in case you see anything in them that I'm not!

If you would like to breed with any of these girls, or if you wish to stroke my king's ego and want to have some cubs with him, please understand that, although I'm perfectly okay with this, I will absolutely need a guiding hand. I am extremely new to studding and haven't even offered on someone else's studding before.

My current breeding arsenal consists of:
Three (3) Black Stallions
One (1) Hyena Meat
An absolute shit ton (414) things of nesting material

I know I can get some Lion Scrotes, Buffalo Scrotes (Buffy Balls), Yohimbe Bark and Grains of Paradise from the event shops, which I do plan to do.

I hope I can remember to come back and update this.

~Creatin on February 26, 2024

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Lykolo (#251662)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-03-10 01:16:12
~Update on March 10th, 2024

So! First update! I've gotten more lionesses since then, many of them surpassing my expectations!

First major update: user bcblaisdell (*G1Jelly Primal)! gave me an absolute beauty of a cub! This is her now as an adolescent!: Gift (F) Moon Jelly

I've also gotten some good fortune when it comes to Newly Claimed Lionesses (NCLs)!:
- Maziwa (Special)
- Shedua (Rare)
- Prune (Rare)
- Platinum(Rare)

These girls have no "special" base, but they're still very pretty!:
- Galaxy
- Twilight
- Spotty Sterling

This girl isn't pretty, per say, but she was still a lucky find and catch!

Everyone is free to look through my girls and message me about any of them that catches your eye, even if they haven't been listed here! I'm willing to negotiate prices if you're looking to breed with my girls!

In terms of mutations, nothing's really changed there, but I do have a Folded Ears mut in heat as I type this! My older maned girls are still able to breed as well, if anyone's interested!

Now onto my supplies! I said that I would get some stuff from the Aphrodisiac store, and I did! So now my current hoard consists of:
- Three (3) Black Stallions
- One (1) Hyena Meat
- One (1) Grains of Paradise
- One (1) Buffy Balls
- One (1) Lion Scrotum
- 408 Nesting Materials
- Two (2) Yohimbe Bark
-Two (2) Lion Meat

I do believe this is about everything! Thank you all for reading, and thank you, bcblaisdell, for giving me the previously shown beauty!

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Edited on 10/03/24 @ 02:26:16 by Lykolo (#251662)

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