Posted by Raffle lioness cousin!

Ezzi!! (#339414)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 18:58:45
So we all know the issue how many Raffle Lionesses don't really get their markings passed around via breeding a ton, and some (if not most) are extinct, or on inactive accounts. So, I have a suggestion to help that- a cousin of the raffle lioness! They'd be around a year old and share up to five traits of the raffle lioness, there could even be two or three!!

This would help circulate new markings/other traits and keep the raffle lioness special. This also helps since there's regularly 3,500+ people around and only 1 of them gets the special lady which, yes, does make winning the special gal much more rewarding, but makes it more difficult to spread around.

To add onto this, there could be cousins of extinct raffle lionesses brought in every now and then to maybe help someone bring her back! Since some people like to bring back extinct Raffle lionesses, it'd help give a little boost along the way, or as (Apako/X3 Ros Wepbase (#401387)) base suggested, it could be used as an opportunity to just spread markings in general that aren't really out and about.

If you do not support, please explain why!!

This suggestion has 59 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/02/24 @ 19:23:23 by 3xros g2stripedDeshret| Aswang (#339414)

Zurois/G2 Wep bas (#401387)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-26 19:03:45
I do think its a pretty good idea, however maybe the best approach would be to raffle out another lioness with one or more of the markings that haven't been able to spread.

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Ezzi!! (#339414)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 19:08:43
Like one with new markings? Or just markings that haven't been spread in general?

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Zurois/G2 Wep bas (#401387)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-26 19:10:15
Markings that haven't been spread in general

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Ezzi!! (#339414)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 19:11:18
Would you be fine if I edited the message with that, and credited you?

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Zurois/G2 Wep bas (#401387)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-26 19:18:25
Yeah sure :) I don't mind

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