Posted by Rainbow Rares: 6 new rare ideas + 1 special

HamburgerGirl - 🍔 (#237507)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-27 17:37:12
I have seen the sentiment around Lioden, and share it myself, that special bases seem to have been the focus for new bases, where rares and below have been somewhat left behind. I understand why that is, as special bases are fun to look at and make, but all the other categories deserve love too!

I also love art in general, and wanted to make some bases to just have fun with the medium.

So, I’ve come up with a batch of rares that both look nice (to me!) and have a fun quirk to them! These six bases are based on the colors of the rainbow, and are split into two sections based on if they’re a primary or secondary color.

The primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) are regular rare bases that can be obtained through breeding with no specific combinations needed to achieve them.

The secondary colors (orange, green, and violet) are combos and can only be acquired when you breed together two of the primary color bases. So:

Red + Yellow = Orange

Red + Blue = Purple

Blue + Yellow = Green

This way, it’s a challenge to “complete the rainbow.”

Here are the bases themselves - I have two possible names for each of them that all still go together as a theme. Either the colors straight up, or fruits/berries!







Even though this batch IS dedicated to rares… I couldn’t help myself. Here is a seventh, special combo base. There are three ways to get it:

Orange + Green

Green + Violet

Violet + Orange

(Just combining the secondary color bases!)

The inspiration is paint smeared on a canvas, so it’s a color selected from each base “painted” on a blank canvas. I haven’t settled on a name - so I’ll list all the ideas I had:


I really like this idea, and this is just a first real pass at it! If you have suggestions on what could make it better, please comment! Feel free to support or not - just have a great day/night

This suggestion has 8 supports and 9 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/02/24 @ 17:40:43 by Hamburgergirl - 🍔 (#237507)

Vaoriple (#275566)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 17:53:42
Omg I love this so much for some reason I can tell someone with a lion had this base would name them crayon lol.

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