Posted by -LOCKED - Raffle Stud Suggestion

🐉 Coffeekita | G1
BO Lilac (#308641)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 21:22:12
Hello people of lioden! I am sure many if not all of you reading this are aware of the Raffle Lioness system. Now, I love the raffle lionesses as much as the next person, but I and many others have noticed a problem. Lioden has significantly more players now than when it and Raffle Lionesses as a system of spreading marking slots was created. This is not a bad thing! However, it can be disastrous when a raffle lioness simply fails to pass rare or new traits onto cubs or, heaven forbid, ends up on a dead account.

So what is the solution? I propose an idea that is not new, but that I and my clanmates in the Lioden Conservatory have begun to flesh out in more detail: Raffle Studs

Raffle Studs as we would propose them would operate similar to how Maneater Studs work in August. One Raffle Stud every two weeks would become available to breed to for a price. The stud in question would have traits that are a mix of the current Raffle Lioness and a random Raffle Lioness from the past! This would help to maintain the value of the current Raffle Lioness at any given time as well as present a more convenient means of helping out critically endangered traits. Raffle Studs would be Rare/Uncommon based as well, both to give these bases some more appreciation as well as to again maintain the “special” quality of the week’s Raffle Liones. On weeks when the Raffle Lioness has a combo base, the complementary Raffle Stud would then have one of the combo factors (as long as it is Rare/Uncommon) as its base!
(Thank you CC/438339 for suggesting the stud be swapped every two weeks!)

Similar to the Raffle Lioness the Raffle Stud could have a mutation, with Piebalds/Patches/Primals (except Primal Fang) excluded. Additionally, Raffle Studs would have old raffle backgrounds just for fun. Nobody is winning the Raffle Stud so these backgrounds are purely for aesthetics.

Now you may be wondering what exactly the “price” would be to breed to the proposed Raffle Stud. Well, the method my colleagues and I have tentatively settled on are quests determined by the personality of the Raffle Stud. Depending on which personality the stud has, lioden players would be given a quest to complete in order to breed to the handsome fellow. This would give more uses to items currently used exclusively for crafting as well as mitigate potential mass-breeding. Some examples of quests are as follows:

Evil (Heartless): “This absolute STUD is not interested in meeting with the weak. Bring 50 Lion Skulls to prove your strength!”

Good (Humble): “ This absolute STUD is too focused on building new dens for his pride. What a helpful guy. Bring 20 Large Rocks and 20 Large Leaves to catch his attention!”

Snarky (Arrogant): “This absolute STUD would like to adorn himself with beautiful gems. Bring him 25 Gem: Celestite and he might consider giving you the time of day!”
Disclaimer for this one that the gem type could obviously rotate at random, giving out of season Gems another purpose besides rotting in your hoard
Kind (Candid): “This absolute STUD seems to be rather hungry. He tells you the truth that he isn’t all that great of a hunter. Bring him 30 Zebra Carcasses to help him out!”
Again the type of carcass would be variable as with gems

Of course, the actual amounts and types of items required would be up to the fine people who run Lioden according to whatever level of difficulty they deem appropriate. But, these give the general idea.

Onto some example Raffle Studs! (Thank you Sprout/185560 for making these)

Golden Genetics

Cream Genetics

Black Genetics

Red Genetics

This suggestion has 30 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/02/24 @ 21:27:17 by Coffeekita [ Clean 7 BO Lilac] (#308641)

🌈CC✨ -Autistic
BO Breeder- (#438339)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 21:25:58
So excited to see this up!

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Bluebell [10xRos |
20xBO | G1] (#263841)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 23:21:45
Yes! I'd love to see this!

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Posted on
2024-02-29 05:48:12
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

We kindly request that you utilize the "Search Boards" feature to see if a suggestion you have in mind may already have been posted by another player in the past, to avoid cluttering the Game Development forums with duplicate suggestions.

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