Posted by The Eclipse Tribe & The Forest Tribe (werewolf

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-29 18:54:22

This is a werewolf pack/tribe RP btw!

The Eclipse Tribe and Forest Tribe lived very close together. They both disliked each other a lot and would often start wars with each other over disagreements.




• Hate the character not the person
• No homophobic transphobia or any other problematic thing
• no god modding! Aka don't speak for ppls characters.
•No 18+ scenes. Make it fade to black. Or do your esex somewhere else☠️
• Don't be a Mary Sue
• Ask perms before killing a character or taking a limb😭
• you don't gotta have realistic eye colors or hair colors lol
• at least 3-4 paragraphs. Unless your totally stuck. But please try to type more then one sentence.

• Like I said above you do not gotta have realistic eye colors or hair colors.
• your wolf form is pretty much as big as a bear☠️ alphas are usually bigger.
• your a furry in your human form. JK but you do got wolf ears and a wolf tail. You can hide them though if you'd like.
• You can have as many characters as you'd like though don't make 20 or smth😭


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Edited on 11/04/24 @ 11:22:56 by Orphan Tears (#442418)

Lily (#435779)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:26:03
Kipo nods. “It’s ok. She doesn’t need to speak up. I can hear her just fine. My mother used to talk very softly so I have more developed hearing then most humans.” She says, smiling to Shade and Valer.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:27:58
Shade nodded her eyes shifting to the ground as she listened to Valera words before turning to head towards where the arrows would be located. She began making her way there, she of course learned sometimes it was best not to say anything especially when her thoughts had a way of becoming words.

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[Bee] (#254658)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:31:33
Valer sighed once Shade was a distance away, “I just don’t understand, weakness was something my mother never allowed. Shade is small but her mindset is what holds her back the most, she acts like she’s already lost every conversation she has” Valer shakes her head and turns back to Kipo. “Let’s get some paint on that face of yours.” She says cheerfully.

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Lily (#435779)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:37:14
Kipo nods. “My father told me that but I never listened. Weakness is something that can turn into a strong person. My mother used to do chores around our house because my father thought that females can only do cleaning and cooking. After he died my mother became a strong woman, taking care of the people in our village.” She says, smiling. She crouches down enough for Valer to get paint on her face.

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[Bee] (#254658)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:40:29
Valer leans in close, biting down on her lip as she carefully draws a green design over her cheeks and forehead making a serpent type shape, “I guess I’m just too much like my mama.” She says with a slight laugh

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:44:05
Shade quietly gathered the arrows picking up as many as she could and making a small pile, it obviously continued to grow because she would much rather be safe than sorry and have a bunch or arrows. She continued stocking them before finally deciding she had enough of them. She began making her way back towards them her eyes landing on the two as she watched them she debated not going over at all and finding more stuff to do regarding the arrows but decided she should and resumed walking towards them.” Arrows are ready.” She stated hoping she wouldn’t be interrupting them.

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Lily (#435779)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:46:08
Kipo gives a small smile to Shade. “Thank you Shade. For the paint and the arrows.” She says, looking at the design and back to Shade.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:49:28
Shade nodded giving a small smile as she looked towards Valer now. She wondered what the alpha would have her do now, did she like running around all day getting things for them? Maybe not but at least she was doing something helpful and didn’t get herself into trouble with her mouth.

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[Bee] (#254658)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 21:59:45
Valer looked to Shade, “Well what do you think or my paint job.” She said with a small laugh, she wasn’t the most skilled artist so what she wanted to be a serpent looked more like a weird vine.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 22:01:36
Shade stared at it for a moment before actually smiling.” I think it’s nice.” She stated as she continued to stare at it, before obviously realizing that it is on Kipos face and that in turn she was staring at Kipo. That being said she quickly looked towards Valer once she did realize she was staring.

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[Bee] (#254658)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 22:05:17
Valer chuckled, “I’m going to choose to believe you said that because of my amazing skills and not because I’m your alpha.” She said before running to a hut nearby to grab and mirror for Kipo to see it herself.

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Lily (#435779)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-03-27 22:05:18
Kipo lightly smiles. “Can I see the paint brush really quick? You did a great job but it’s missing a detail.” She says, hoping not to offend Valer.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 22:07:48
Shade chuckled for a moment at Valers comment before she stared at Kipo again for a moment wondering what she was going to add but when Valer returned she would ask if anything else needed to be done. As much as she would like to stay and chitchat with these two she felt that she wasn’t contributing much to the conversation and it would be much better for herself to have something to be doing.

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[Bee] (#254658)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 22:10:04
Valer returned Giving a small mirror to Kipo, “you can change anything you need to, The green alone should be all we need to spot you out from the hunters.” She said

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-27 22:12:27
Shade watched for a moment as she looked towards Kipo then Valer.” Anything else you need me to do Valar?” She asked making sure neither of them were talking before she spoke. She wasn’t too sure what to do if Valer said no, she would probably just stand by the two listening to their conversation.

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