Posted by LF: Demon Roleplay

Smartie (#67158)

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Posted on
2024-03-04 21:02:13
When you buy an old book on a whim and it turns out to be full of spells... including one that's called Verus Amor... a true love spell. You thought it would be fun to try, maybe it would push you to ask out the cute barista you've been crushing on... and you believe that until a portal opens in the middle of your room. You've somehow managed to summon a 7' tall shadow demon from another realm. Because the spell worked. He's waited a thousand years for his one true mate: You. And now you have a week if you want to be mated to the monster.

Hey everyone! I'm looking for maybe 1-3 to do this plot with, has to be FxF or FxM, with me being female and the one summoning the demon. I prefer to be pretty active, have mature themes and I like to chat outside of the roleplay and brainstorm together. My discord is smartie909 if you're interested!

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zen :3 | g1 glass
panda (#309356)

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Posted on
2024-03-05 00:40:51
This is such an interesting idea! I sent you a friend req

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