♠ Do not Mini-Mod. If there is a problem or someone who has a question, please allow me to handle it or notify me and I'll deal with the situation.
♠ All bids are FINAL, please do not back-out of a bid unless you have a genuine reason or need to do so.
♠ Do not bid what you think you'll have at the end date, bid what you know you have.
♠ I do take items as bids! Just ask me about it!
♠ All lions are shown at 100% opacities, if you dislike the lion you put a bid on because you decided not to check how they look without 100% then that is your problem.
♠ Images and names are absolutely clickable!
♠ Lions do NOT come with poses/Backgrounds, as they are just to show off the lion more.
♠ MI = 50
♠ If you have any lions that you want to donate to this Auctioning House feel free to send me a PM and I'll see if I would take the lion!
♠ Bid wars are 100% allowed and are encouraged! But please do not get aggressive or rude.
♠ I have every right to remove a lion from this forum if I feel like I want to keep him/her.
♠ I do NOT take lions as bids unless they are genuinely valuable and to my liking.
♠ No unnecessary or excessive chatting here. This is an auctioning forum, not a chatting forum. I would prefer that you don't talk much here.
♠ Please fill out this form below to make a bid on a lion from now on!
Player ID: N/A
Lion/Lioness you want to bid on: N/A
Payment/Payment Amount: N/A
4.1.2024 Update:
- Stone mender has been REMOVED from the auction. I apologize.
- Tigers eye trade has been sent out!
- Lowered the next lions end dates!