Posted by Change Energy Regeneration % while Hungry

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 05:43:15
Per the wiki, your king's energy gains are reduced while he's hungry - drastically reduced. Between 61-100% hunger, they will regenerate 1% energy every 15 minutes. That is a 90% decrease at a hunger level that's essentially a bit below half.

Well, I think the penalty is a bit steep. Some players only roll over to accept stud requests or breed lions, not even touching explore for certain months out of the year. Perhaps they don't even have any lions to feed, so hunting for food to feed their king isn't something they are doing. I've found plenty of semi-active studs whose hunger bars are in the red zone, and their energy is at a mere 13%. Enough for a single stud attempt before needing to feed their king in order to wait for another regen tick.

To me it doesn't make sense to have it go from 10% energy per 15 minutes straight down to 1% after3 days of not eating. 3 rollovers is technically equivalent to 3 months, but even so, your king is only half starving in the actual game. Yes, it is simple to keep one's king fed. Single carcasses are cheap and whatnot, exploring is free, yada yada. I'm not saying there shouldn't be an energy penalty for having a hungry king, but the sheer drop-off is too much. Especially when the item description of Roasted Lambs and Red Bulls is worded in a confusing manner for some players:

I've seen a fair number of Game Help topics from players wondering why they can't get their Roasted Lamb to work when their king is at 61% hunger, and it has to be even more frustrating to spend 1/8 of your energy item on 4% total energy due to misunderstanding.

My proposal is that, at 61% hunger (when the bar turns red) energy should regenerate at half the normal rate - 5% per 15 minutes. Your king is roughly half hungry, he should get half energy. At 80% hunger, it can be reduced further to 3% energy per 15 minutes. And finally, at 100% hunger, they will only regenerate 1%.


My other suggestions:
Masterpost here

This suggestion has 6 supports and 29 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/10/24 @ 03:57:14 by Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

frosty 🪶 (#229018)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 05:51:55
no support - 3 rollovers is equivalent to 3 months in game, which is a long time to go without eating. imo, that justifies the 1% energy regen when your king is hungry plus, if you really need to feed him, there will always be plenty of fodder lionesses on tc for 10sb or so that you can send out hunting (or just buy food, explore, etc.)

though i do like the idea of 60% hunger halving the energy regen % instead of it dropping the regen % as much as it does.

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Edited on 21/03/24 @ 05:55:21 by frosty 🪶 (#229018)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 06:03:22
Very true! Though, there are certain things in game that don't exactly make sense time-wise, such at lethal mutations surviving for several "months" when they should technically die within a number of weeks, cubs and adolescents handling the first 2 years of their life without eating at all, or your king going 2 months (40% hunger) without getting too hungry.

I never have a hungry king since I'm pretty much always active in some way each time I roll, so this is mainly frustration on behalf of some of the studs I want to use never having energy for more than one request without feeding their king at 63% hunger. Can't help but feel like a pest if I tell the player to feed them, though it's probably just overthinking on my part ^^; Plus, if they only plan to log in one time that day, they may not want to wait around or come back once they get more energy.

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WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 06:19:37
No support from me sadly, again, what the person above said, 2-3 months without food is a LONG time for a lion, so it would make sense it's at death's door so to speak. Plus with how helping the community is, and how easy it is to get food, even in August, I don't get why you want to make starving out your lions more common

There's already no penalty for not feeding cubs/adols for the first 2 in game years of their life

Edit: plus tbh, if you can't feed your pride and your king because you can't make time in the day, rather just don't RO, I have some friends that only play weekends because of that (having a busy life) or skip ROs if they get too busy

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Edited on 21/03/24 @ 06:22:39 by Strikefire♀G1IcySplashBO (#238890)

Vixxie | G1 13bo
Stratosphere (#355386)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 06:40:57
If you explore you find food anyways

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 06:56:25
Strikefire - I'm not sure what you mean by wanting to make starving out lions more common? Half energy regeneration is still a penalty, so it's not going to make people start starving their kings.

I'd love to encourage those hungry studs to not RO if they aren't going to feed their king, but it's not really my place to do so.

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Edited on 21/03/24 @ 06:58:48 by Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

WitheredBO (#238890)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 15:26:11
Most breeders don't feed adols and cubs at all is what I mean

And with the "don't RO" part I mean it's just a risk you take, either keep ROing knowing you don't have time and possibly starve your lions or don't Rollover at all

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Edited on 21/03/24 @ 15:26:36 by Strikefire♀G1IcySplashBO (#238890)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 16:13:39
Cubs and adols isn't a part of my suggestions at all, just kings. I don't feed mine either.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

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Posted on
2024-10-14 13:54:38
I don't understand why this has so many no supports - yes three months is a long time but LIODEN ISNT REALISTIC. If we were doing AT ALL realistic, they'd be hungry after month one and it wouldn't be "slightly hungry" at 20% it'd be like "okay eat something or starve, you're a warm blooded predator that cannot survive months without any food"

And instead of cubs and adols being able to be starved out, or a very small carcass filling them up to full, they'd be the ones eating the most in relation to body mass early on while they're growing. That's the "semi-realistic" opinion.

Lioden opinion? 60% is enough for everything else in Lioden to get fed or keep doing what they're doing, 80% is the cutoff for starving lions running away the next rollover at 100%, 80% should be the harsh regen cutoff. ***IF FEMALES CAN STILL HUNT WITH NO PENALTY AT 80%, MALES SHOULD STILL BE ABLE TO EXPLORE.***

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