Posted by [Open] Glimmering Giveaway! ✨

🌸PastelNovski (#228590)

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Posted on
2024-04-07 09:51:57
Hello, everyone! I have a bunch of goodies that I'm looking to give away to those who might be able to use them better than I would. Most of these have been sitting around my inventory for a while, but hopefully someone out there can use these!

Quick Rules
- Once you grab something, it's yours to do whatever you'd like with.
- I mean for these to be used, but you are allowed to sell them, despite that not being the point of giving these items away.
- Not all items have their full uses, so if you aren't satisfied with the use count of an item, blame yourself for not reading the rules beforehand.
- If you'd like to donate something, I am always needing [Food Bundle]s & [Nesting Material] from the [Monkey Business] to give to my Clan members.
- If I leave a 'like' on your comment, it means I have seen it and will either be delivering the items very, very soon, or have already done so.
- No limit on how much you can take, but please consider other players as well!

Available Items

Snake Skin - Dark x3
Cracked Egg x1
Broken Camera x2
Hornbill Skull x2
Otter Skull x5
Cow Skull x2
Barn Owl Feather x1
White Eagle Feather x1
Shrike Feather x1

Crumbled Fossil x6
Crackled Fossil x4
Ammonite Fossil x8
Broken Tusk x2
Coral Piece x1
Porcupine Quills x1
Prismatic Scale x1
Space Rock x1
Chaos Snake Scale x2
Small Rock x15
Speckled Pigeon x2

Special Use
Water Root x29
Vulture Egg x4

Decorations & Backgrounds
Hoopoe Starling x2
Blue Skimmer [1] x7
Albino Barbary Stag x1
Carpenter Bee [1] x4
Coffee Locust [1] x7
Lion Spirit x1
Ogre-Faced Spider x9
Windy x9
Saint Helena Hoopoe x1
Réunion Pink Pigeon x1

Available Lions
- N/A. (To be added soon)!

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Edited on 18/04/24 @ 02:10:29 by 🌸PastelNovski (#228590)

🇧🇷 ★
Sanitysfall (#456987)

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Posted on
2024-04-17 07:15:18
can i snag some snake scent?

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Jay (they/them) (#467263)

Nice Guy
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-05-29 12:29:31
Can I have chaos snake scales, cow Skulls, Otter Skulls and Speckled pigeons? <3

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