Posted by OPEN warrior cat clan arpg Free

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-10 14:15:00
This will most be a free interactive arpg where you get to creat and interact with your own clan. Word of warning I am doing this by myself so some thing may take time as I work full time hours and have a little baby to take care of. That being said let move on and tha k you for reading

First of all base perms


1. Please be respectful and kind
2. Don't claim any design as yours I work hard on these
3.if you read the rules include you favorite flower in your post
4. Try and be as patient as you can.
5. Enjoy this to your hearts content



You may be wondering how you begin well first fill out this form don't worry your first cat is free. You get to pick gender for your first cat you may give a few likes and dislikes but the design will be random. The will also have a random personality trait

Lioden id:
Clan name:
Unnatural/natural colors/theme:
Cats name:

Now after you receive your cat what do you do well you have a few options there are various activity's you can do
Hunting, foraging, and or patrolling. There will be post describing what these do.

Now four your clan to flourish and survive you must have enough prey to feed your cats each cat cost one prey to feed and need to eat either every day or every other day. Hungry cats can be prone to getting sick.

Herbs are used to heal cats.

Now this is mostly free to play but if you want to get more cats for your clan I do have a few options

New completely random cat: 2 gb
Soft custome cat pick a color pallet and or theme gender and trait are random: 4 gb
Full custome cat you pick color pallet/then gender and trait:6gb

<*img src="" height=400 width=400*>

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Edited on 19/04/24 @ 14:08:46 by Missy|Gen 4 ice dorsal fur (#191208)

Q|| He/they/it (#119917)

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Posted on
2024-04-21 14:17:22
Would like to do my daily 3!

Lioden id: 119917
Clan name: CopseClan
Name of cats going: Morningleaf, Dappledpaw, Condorfleck, Salmonpaw
Traits: shy, observant, lazy, talkative

I'd also like to Heal

Lioden id: 119917
Clan name: CopseClan
Medicine cat: Mintstripe
Sick cat+illness/injury: Shadedbrook (cracked paw pads)
Amount of herbs before and after: 19 to 16

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End. | G1 4x BO + 3x
ROS Ebony (#224278)

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Posted on
2024-04-21 14:35:23
Doing my dailies for today!

Lioden id: #224278
Clan name: MistClan
Name of cats going: Silentgaze, Fogstep, Echospark
Traits: empathetic, romantic, talkative

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š”“š”« āšš 1k/6k
HS (#350599)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 11:19:11

Lioden id: 350599
Clan name: Crow'Clan
Name of cats going: Crows'Storm, Cinder'Pelt, Violet'Storm, and Amber'Breeze
Traits: Impulsive, Shy, Talkative, and lazy (in order!)

And breeding!
Lioden id: 350599
Clan name: Crow'Clan
She-cat: Decayed'Claw
Tom-cat: Crows'Storm

Lioden id: 350599
Clan name: Crow'Clan
She-cat: Cinder'Pelt
Tom-cat: Ocean'Cloud (if he still has slot left, if not Crows'Storm again if possible)

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Edited on 23/04/24 @ 15:51:50 by š’®š“‰š’¶š“‡š’¢š’¶š“ā„Æš“‡ā„›š’¶ š’©ā„›ā„’š’ž (#350599)

CAN1N3 | 5.10.24 Ra
RLC (#370438)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 11:21:59
dailies! :3

Lioden id: #370438
Clan name: hauntedclan
Name of cats going: Seraphimheart, Berrypelt, Stormcloud
Traits: quick, quiet, lazy

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 16:21:07
@rizzy 4/21/24 dailies:

Your trio head out at dawn while the air is cool. they seemed to keep to the same path when berrypelt offer to split up to check out more hunting ground but it seems it was in vain as no prey was found.

trying to not let the failed hunting trip get them down Seraphimheart leads them to a herb grove she found out hen she first settled here but it look like it been picked from a little to much already so they decied to let it grow into next season

Stormcloud huffs before seeming to take the lead mentoning they just want to go home and lay in there nest while Berrypelt rolls their eyes at there clan mates laziness before following them along he boarder helping to mark them but as they head back he pounces on something seems he has caught a mouse.

You recive one prey

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:05:00
@fydor 4/21/24 dailies

Your cats head out after the sun rises the sweltering heat of the swamp land you cats call home seem to have them a bit distracted as they try avoiding the sun to keep cool and completly forget they were spose to be hunting. oops

Dappledpaw was the one who surpisingly got them all back on tract during the foraging pointing out some herbs for them to pick.

you recive 6 herbs

While the two warriors are taking there apprentices to the boarders to show them the ropes it seems dappledpaw never got out of there foraging mindsent and found more herbs to take home.

you recive 6 more herbs

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:18:58
@end. 4/21/24 dailies

Your cats head out a little after the sun has risen high in the sky. as they actively try to hunt the caught the scent of a bigger predator it seems to have sacred all of the prey and your cats as the quickly leave the area.

after the scent of the predator fade the move to try and find some herbs and seem to be successful and bring backa bundle of herbs back to camp.

Recive 5 herbs

fter letting the sun set a bit the head back out to patrol the boarder in the cool evening air quickly moving through there home as the sky get dark it seems echospark tripped over something and her her paw. looks to be a cat who lost.

Echospark has sprained her paw take 4 herbs to cure and you gained a new cat

Gender: male
Trait: Quiet

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Moss666 (Side) (#325512)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:31:38
Doing my dailies for today!

Lioden id: #325512
Clan name: FjordClan
Name of cats going: MothStorm
Traits: Sassy

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:36:25
@stargazer dailies


you cats couldnt seem to focuse in the heat and didnt bring any prey home


it seems they dint have much luck with of foraging either as the few herbs they did find seemed to be to wilted from lack of rain.

they decied to head out to patrol closer in the eveneing and seemed to have some luck finding prey but not much else. but while catching the prey it looks like amberbreeze has sprained her paw

you got 4 prey and amberbreeze has sprained her paw take 4 herbs to cure

your breedings
Declayedclaw and crowstorm are expecting two kits

Cinderpelt is expecting 4 kits

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:39:18
@rizzy dailies 2/23/24

thye head out to hunt and were successful

2 prey

they go to forage and com back with a bountiful amount of herbs

6 herbs


the patrol was mostly uneventful except berrypelt has gotten hurt again

recive two prey and berrypelt has cracked paw pads 3 herbs to cure

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:41:50


you cat seemed to be getting used to there new home and was more intent on exploring than hunting


Deciding to try and find some herb after failing to find food but it didnt seem to go much better as they wernt shure wha to harvest.


while exploring the boarders it seem you cat found some herbs they recognize

you recive 6 herbs

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š”“š”« āšš 1k/6k
HS (#350599)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 18:46:04
Healing :D

Lioden id: 350599
Clan name: Crow Clan
Medicine cat: Amber'Breeze (X_X, ofc it has to be the med cat)
Sick cat+illness/injury: Amber'Breeze / Sprained Ankle
Amount of herbs before and after: 11 - 7

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Edited on 23/04/24 @ 18:46:43 by š’®š“‰š’¶š“‡š’¢š’¶š“ā„Æš“‡ā„›š’¶ š’©ā„›ā„’š’ž (#350599)

Lucid (#472879)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-04-23 19:13:13
curious to try this out

Lioden id: 472879
Clan name: Wandererclan
Unnatural/natural colors/theme: Natural, dark autumn aesthetic and a type of colorpoint if possible
Gender: Tom
Cats name: Loneleaf

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End. | G1 4x BO + 3x
ROS Ebony (#224278)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 19:13:27
Oh damn, new base! Tysm for the new cat, Iā€™d love to name him Duskshine! Finally a male to add to my female-dominant Clan lmao

Also for healing!
Lioden id: #224278
Clan name: MistClan
Medicine cat: Violetshade
Sick cat+illness/injury: Echospark, sprained paw
Amount of herbs before and after: 22 > 18

Dailies for today as well ^^
Lioden id: #224278
Clan name: MistClan
Name of cats going: Silentgaze, Fogstep, Echospark, Duskshine
Traits: empathetic, romantic, talkative, quiet

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CAN1N3 | 5.10.24 Ra
RLC (#370438)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 19:34:04
Lioden id: #370438
Clan name: hauntedclan
Medicine cat: Adderfang
Sick cat+illness/injury: berrypelt - injury
Amount of herbs before and after: 10 herbs, now 7

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