Posted by selling decor hoard/ keeping track of it!

they/it (#285455)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-12 13:45:08
listing all the decor i have
roughly 329gb of the gb decor
Gb decor

Adolescent's First Kill-4
Adoring Lioness Panther-1
Bone Tree-5
Daddy Beard Extension [Bone]-1
Challenge: Winter [Fur Cave]-3
Dancer Chains [Gold]-3
Daddy Beard Extension [Onyx]-2
Daddy Beard Extension [White]-2
Ears of Anubis-8
Ears of Seth-8
Faux Barbary Mane [Cloudburst]-4
Faux Barbary Mane [Obsidian]-5
Faux Barbary Mane [Rhino]-4
Fresh Bandages [Front]-3
Fresh Bandages [Rear]-3
Gold Rose Quartz Ornaments(x2)-2
Grévy's Zebra-1
Hartmann's Mountain Zebra-1
Herb Pouch(x2)-7
Holiday Lights-1
Jewelry: Amber Gem Headpiece-1
Jewelry: Charming Chains [Sparkling Opal]-2
Jewelry: Fire Opal Nose Chain-5
Krampus Horns-2
Leg Hold Trap-2
Mistletoe Earrings-1
Net Trap-2
Orphaned Hyena Cub-5
Oryx Horn Circlet-4
Radio Tracking Collar(x5)-3gb
Slithering Bloodshed-4
Slithering Chaos-5
Slithering Destruction-5
Slithering Devastation-5
Slithering Disintegration-5
Slithering Interitus-5
Slithering Mayhem-5
Slithering Obliteration-5
Slithering Quietus-4
Slithering Rage-4
Striped Black Stockings [Back](x2)-5
Striped Black Stockings [Front](x2)-5
Suspicious Shipment-5
Tranquilizer Darts-2
White Horse of Pestilence-1
Wings of Desert [Top]-2
Winter Melanistic Cub-3
[GE - Vietnam] Siamese Jackal-1
Christmas Berry-1
Herb Grove at Night-10
Moonlight Sonata-12
Roaring Giant-3
Romantic Dunes-5
Striking Lightning-2
The Tornado-1
Sunrise Over The Championships-6
The Longing-3
Maritime Pine-2
Easter Fields-10
KwaZulu-Natal Cosmos Flowerfields-10
Fluffball Oak Tree Burrows-3
Primordial Spring-2
African Flower Ornaments [Baby Violets](x2)-1
African Flower Ornaments [Freesia]-1
African Flower Ornaments [Herbal]-1
African Flower Ornaments [Plumbago](x2)-1
African Flower Ornaments [Purple Phlox]-1
African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow]-1
African Flower Ornaments [Watsonia]-1
Basket with Treats-3
Damara Ram Horns-2
Dusky-Veined Acraea-1
Easter Egger Chicken-2
Floral Bunny Ears Head Ornament-3
Floral Bunny Ears Leg Ornament-3
Floral Bunny Ears Tail Ornament-3
Barbary Sheep Facemask-2
Big Cat Headwear: Indochinese1
Cape Seahorse Amber Necklace-2
Ethiopian Highland Hare-1
Goat Horns [Dark]-2
Jameson's Red Rock Hare-1
Kiko Goat Horns [Dark]-2
Lop Bunny Ears [Red]-2
Masked Weaver Bird-1
Spring Gift Basket-2
Soapstone Easter Eggs-2
Tenore Autumn Crocus Crown-1
Violet Garland-1
Sleeping Fawn-8

Sb decor

Wild Centaury-300
Stinking Iris-300
Snuggling Lioness [Panther]-250
Shy V'Kai-400
Red Helleborine-300
Pussy Willows(x2)-300
Negev Iris-250
Mossy Fur-700
Lion Spirit(x2)-200
Impala Lily Flowers(x2)-100
Honey Flower-350
Fairy Iris-250
Easter Palm-100
Cape Bugle-Lily-100
Bee Orchid-100
Bushbaby Companion-400
Baby Meerkat-400
African Crocus-200
Aging Cremello Horse-300
Angsty Facemask [Grey]-350
Dangling Perforated Eggs(x2)-250
Cupid's Dart Fascinator-400
Exhausted Lover-300
Expression: Delighted-250
Flehmen Response Tigon-250
Flirting Lioness [Black]-300
Floating Space Rocks-500
Forest Leopard Butterfly-250
Hildeberg Painted Lady-300
Meteor Shards Necklace-500
Pregnant Lioness-300
Kirby's Swordtail-200
Long-Flower Kalanchoe Crown-500
Rooster Comb and Feather Necklace-500
Snuggling Lioness [Panther]-300
Waterfall Cave Mouth-200
Two Little Rascals-100
Nandi Bear-200

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Edited on 02/06/24 @ 09:47:58 by thedarkartist they/it (#285455)

dew (#474101)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-24 15:51:22
Hey! my name is dew, and im looking for some things for my baby girl #794216454256 I'm currently low on all cash is there any items you would like

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reds (#211324)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-28 18:16:35
*slaps down GB* Bleeding heart decor, I need it. I just made the trade

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Edited on 28/04/24 @ 18:18:36 by Caly|Ebony|G2|3xRos|Panda (#211324)

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