Posted by I’m selling my event beetles for offers!

lumara (#464104)

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Posted on
2024-05-03 16:14:41
Hello! I am looking to sell all of my beetles to someone at some point this month for a return of Muties, a hybrid, or a lethal and 5gb

I currently have 217 manticore beetles
By the end of the month I should have 800-900 minimum probably a lot more
Please pm me if your interested I will set up a agreement for us to use and then I will send you the items you want as I have the amount of MB you want and I get what I want in return!

Things I’m willing to take as a offer
Breedable young pon/gon
Lethal and 5gb
Lions meat
Buffalo scrotum
Custom decor creators
Mass apps
Gb (conversation rate is 10MB =1Gb)
I will also accept decor only if I think it’s fair though!

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Alexx HIATUS my
apologies. (#379539)

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Posted on
2024-05-05 22:00:26
I have a buffalo scourtum for when you have 900 event beetles

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