Posted by Cassiopeia Auction [CLOSED]

15, 13/25 (#420425)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-05-09 10:14:05

Cassiopeia Auction

Welcome to Cassiopeia Auction! Feel free to peruse the auction house. But first, please take a moment to get yourself up to date with the auction information, rules, and accepted items!
Oh and- please ignore all the stardust

All lions are posed as females and to reflect their personalities. They do not come with the poses, and not every lion is female. As well as this, good lions are posed as kind to show their markings better. Please check this before placing a bid.
Backgrounds are used for advertisement purposes only and do not come with the lions.
Due to the amount of lions in this auction they are ONLY shown at 100%
If a lion has any hidden markings then there will be another photo showing you the hidden markings with all markings at 100% opacity
I do accept items, you'll find a list of them below. I try to keep the prices the same, however with the market constantly changing, I will have to change the worth of these items every few months or so.
If you would like to bid on a lion with an item that is not on the list please message me to check first. The value of the item will then be appointed based off the value it is at the day of bidding.
Minimum Increase is based off the individual lion but USUALLY it’s 100-300 for specials/muties, 50-100 for rare and 25 -100 for other pretties & some lions are also put up on TC.
Once bidding is closed, a private trade will be set up. You have two RO days to accept the trade if the trade expires then the lion will either be placed back up for auction depending on their popularity, listed in the trading center or chased.
The minimum bid is the same as starting bid unless stated otherwise below the lion.
Last bit of information, the auction ends for each lion when they hit 1yr 11months unless stated otherwise below the lion.

Only bid what you have, not what you think you'll have come time to close the bids.
No begging.
Racking up the price and then backing out multiple times will result in you being banned from the auction. It isn't fair for other bidders
Please be respectful to me and other bidders. This will be updated constantly with cubs thought to be enough worth to be put on here, so you'll get your chance!
If I feel like a lion isn't getting their worth they will end up getting pulled
You cannot use one item to bid on more than one lion
You can stack multiple items on one lion. Eg, buffalo scrotum, lion meat, zebra heart
No take backs for a bid once you've sent it, just hope someone has outbid you


Breeding Items
^[ Rock Salt = 200 ]^
^[ Opal Saltlick = 500 ]^
^[ Aging Crystal = 500 ]^
^[ Cotton Root Bark = 1 ]^
^[ Sex Changers* = 1 ]^
^[ Aging stone = 1 ]^
^[ Black Stallion* = 2 ]^
^[ Instant Birth Feather* = 2 ]^
^[ Energy Boost* = 2 ]^
^[ Zebra Heart* = 2 ]^
^[ Grain of Paradise = 8 ]^
^[ Ochre Powder= 12 ]^
^[ Angelic Blessing = 13 ]^
^[ Buffalo Scrot = 18 ]^
^[ Lion scrotum =15 ]^
^[ Ochre Gnawrock = 35 ]^
^[ GMO Cow = 45 ]^
^[ Ochre Saltlick= 58 ]^

Marking/Mane Applicators
^[ Marking Removal* = 1 ]^
^[ RMAs = 1 ]^
^[ Marking Opacity Changer = 2 ]^
^[ Marking Applicator* = 3 ]^
^[ Mane Changer* = 5 ]^
^[ Blood Moon Mark = 18 ]^

Base Applicators
^[ Chunky Ragdoll= 5 ]^
^[ Wicked Body= 6 ]^
^[ Murk Body= 7 ]^
^[ Blood Moon Body= 9 ]^
^[ Dust: Moss Agate = 10 ]^
^[ Vestige of Bast = 15 ]^
^[ Relic Of Seth = 15 ]^
^[ Vestige of Seth = 23 ]^
^[ Vestige of Anubis = 25 ]^
^[ Token of Bast = 25 ]^
^[ Favour of Anubis= 28 ]^
^[ Favour of Bast = 29 ]^

^[ Any Pose Applicator* = 1 (Jolly=4) ]^
^[ Oasis Aging ___ decor = 4 ]^
^[ Oasis Backgrounds* = 6 ]^

Event Currency
I am not accepting event currency this month


Queen Cassiopeia
G2 Patches Wicked
250 or 1 for four refunded studdings after the first
Dwarves, DUs and hybrids get refunded studdings regardless

And now that we're past all that, it's time for the cubs!


Combo factor bases:

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Edited on 04/12/24 @ 00:10:45 by Project king v1|52/100 gifts (#420425)

15, 13/25 (#420425)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-07 09:20:31
There isn’t a C2 but there’s a C1 and 3?

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Bitchy bark (#413521)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-07 23:53:48
I meant 3 and fat thumbed it🤣

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15, 13/25 (#420425)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-08 11:05:59
Updated :)

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Water Pride! (#496928)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-11 11:17:27
can I make a bid on S12.

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15, 13/25 (#420425)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-11-12 07:51:54

Pulling S3, C3, C4, OP4 & 7 from auction due to low bids

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Edited on 12/11/24 @ 07:59:49 by Cassiopeia|Divine|G2 Wicked🍉 (#420425)

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