Anxiety Prime™
[11.25.22 RLC] (#191357)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-05-11 17:08:27
Hi folks! I'm needing some ASAP so I thought I might as well make some mystery bags to clean out my hoard while i'm at it!

These bags will range anywhere from 2-5 items that include but are not limited to Decor, Custom Decor, Backgrounds, Rare Backgrounds,Applicators, Rare Decors, Breeding items sometimes I may include a mutie or special lion and other things as such!

Each goodie bag costs 2 each!

Each goodie bag that will contain a higher chance of a rare item will be 5 each!

Please fill out the form when ordering a goodie bag!

Name & ID:
Amount of bags:

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Edited on 28/05/24 @ 20:32:50 by Anxiety Prime™ [CSS WIP] (#191357)

Anxiety Prime™
[11.25.22 RLC] (#191357)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-05-29 17:32:14

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