Posted by Are GMO Cows worth it?

snejajaja (#380757)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 10:08:45
Hello! Just today I managed to log into my old account, I don't know what was more exciting : finally finding my email or discovering that I had a GMO Cow laying around for 2 years!

I can't decide whether I should use it for breeding or just sell it. I have always dreamt of obtaining a G1 Pon/Gon, but my gut tell me that I'm doomed to fail. Considering how pricey it is at the moment I'm scared to event click it in my hoard.

What is your experience with using this item? If you also tried breeding a G1 hybrid did you succeed, if yes, after what amount of tries? Should I stick to CRB instead?

I'll be thankful for all the replies under the thread

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|| Sootsprite || (#29690)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2024-05-20 10:50:11

I think I've seen more success with people using CRBs and lion meats for this because of the quantity of lioness they're able to breed this way . I tend to use GMO cows for breedings that are already quite high stakes instead to just try to further the worth of the cubs if I get good ones, for example if I breed a 5k statted Celestial lioness with a bunch of special markings to one of the leaderboard boys, I would use it then in hopes of getting something like a 2 or 3k statted Celestial based mane mute or dwarf or something along those lines . Otherwise, I just sell them to fund other things since they usually get up to about 50 GB a piece before the next time they're available .

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 11:47:59
For a getting A Mutation, certainly sell and use CRBs on all the GB you get! GMO cows are pricey and you get a LOT more tries at muties than the best GMO roll can give.
GMO cows are only good if you want a mutated cub from a specific lion - high stats, specific marks, etc. something you want passed from the parents. If you dont care for those specific things - and especially, if you are aiming for hybrids, which are entirely unaffected by parents' traits and stats - you should always stick to CRBs.

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