Posted by Transformers clan?

That One
Transformers Fan (#312381)

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Posted on
2024-05-23 20:26:35

This is an official clan thread for the Transformers Clan Clan!

Hello! I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a Transformers clan!
This post is still a WIP please understand!

My reasoning:
1) Ive noticed the only clan that ever had transformers fans together basically died because of the fact it was not payed for after a month or so. (I can no longer find it on the clan area). I wanted to make one because of the fact that for me I want to bring together everyone who has seen transformers (no matter the continuity) because to me I've only met a handful or so.
2) I also wanted to have a area (I originally was going to put it in a box on my den) to where if you had any questions or needed to get information quickly about transformers there would be links for you to go to. However I realized In hindsight that it would be ineffective to have them on my den instead of a whole area where people can share their findings.
3) Another entire reason I wanted to make one was because for me I really like creating and making transformers themed lions and want to share them with people who also enjoy transformers! They would of course be raffle lions with people being able to put in their own transformers themed lions if they so wished. The main reasoning is of course to bring together the transformers fandom on here. Therefore easy ways to make friends and to help people new to the shows and continuity as a whole!

Ideas for it

Anyways Enough of my rambling, If you think this is a good idea please respond that you are interested! <3

If your not open or have a suggestion please tell me!

Thank you for reading <3

AD?: Calling all transformers fans! What do you think of a transformers clan? <- clan idea here!

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Edited on 08/06/24 @ 16:18:16 by That One Transformers Fan (#312381)

☆~L.C~★ (#368708)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-07-24 14:35:45
If such clan ends up being created i'd love to join! (Im very interessted)
Edit : *i just saw that the clan is created but is expired, cant join* :c

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Edited on 24/07/24 @ 14:37:13 by ☆~L.C~☆ (#368708)

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